My main areas of interest are contemporary literature and literary theory. My PhD was obtained at the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff University in 1998, following research into the cahiers d'anagrammes of Ferdinand de Saussure and their influence on literature and literary theory. Aspects of this research have since appeared in a number of journal articles, and the fascinatingly enigmatic nature of the anagrammes is something I have continued to investigate in more recent work.
I am the founding co-editor, with James Corby, of CounterText: A Journal for the Study of the Post-Literary, launched with Edinburgh University Press in 2015. The journal's focus is on literature's evolving identities and its directions in contemporary culture. It's a focus that complements another strong interest: posthumanism. With Stefan Herbrechter, I am the co-editor of the Critical Posthumanisms book series published by Brill. I am also co-director of the Critical Posthumanism Network (
I have co-edited six books centring on intersections between literature and various areas of literary theory: Discipline and Practice: The (Ir)resistibility of Theory (Bucknell University Press, 2004); Post-Theory/Culture/Criticism (Rodopi, 2004); Cy-Borges: Memories of Posthumanism in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges (Bucknell University Press, 2009); Posthumanist Shakespeares (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012); Style in Theory: Between Literature and Philosophy (Bloomsbury Academic, 2013); European Posthumanism (Routledge, 2016). I have published various articles and book chapters on contemporary narrative, poststructuralist literary theory and comparative literature, including work which has appeared in journals like Angelaki, Arcadia, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, Comparative Critical Studies, CounterText, EJES, Electronic Book Review, Forum for Modern Language Studies, Parallax, Subjectivity, and Word and Text.
I am currently completing a manuscript on posthumanism and prehistory. Other current research takes in topics related to creative nonfiction, (plat)forms of contemporary narrative and the futures of literature.