JOE FRIGGIERI, 2011. J.L. Austin on Intention. Paradigmi, 29.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2011. Philosophy in Malta. The Philosophy Magazine, 55.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2009. Across the Tide of Time. Clavichords, , pp. 197-204.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2009. Interpretation: Conflicting, Competing, Complementary. Philosophical Inquiry, 31, pp. 27-38.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2008. Democracy, Culture and the Media. European Cultural Parliament Proceedings, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2008. Language and Translation. In: LAURENT SEYCHELL, ed, La Traduction Professionelle aux Multiples Visages. Malta: L. Seychell, pp. 5-8.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2008. Montale's Metaphysics. IABLIS, Jahrbuch fur europaische Prozesse, 7.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2008. Objectivity, Evidence and Truth in History. In: MARIO DE CARO AND ROSARIA EGIDI, ed, L'Architettura del sapere: epistemologia, scienza e storia. Roma: Roma Tre, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2007. Intercultural dialogue: challenges and opportunities. European Cultural Parliament Proceedings, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2006. Culture, the heart of a knowledge-based economy. European Cultural Parliament Proceedings, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2006. Jodie and Mary: Some moral considerations. In: L.J. GERMAN, ed, Controversies over the Separation of Jodie and Mary, the Maltese Siamese Twins. Malta: Progress Press, pp. 31-44.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 2001. Tliet Problemi fil-Filosofija ta' l-Arti. Dghajsa Karti, .
FRIGGIERI, J., Vol I - 2000, Vol II - 2007. In-Nisga tal-Hsieb (The Weave of Thought) Volume I and II. Malta: Media Centre.
Interfaces: essays in Philosophy and bordering areas in honour of Peter Serracino Inglott. 1997. Malta: University of Malta.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1997. The Individuation and Description of Actions: Austin's problems, Davidson's solutions. Epistemologia XX, , pp. 117-146.
FRIGGIERI, J., 1991. Actions and Speech Actions in the Philosophy of J.L. Austin. Malta: Mireva.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1991. Function and Form in Architecture. Journal of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering I, 1.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1991. Meaning and Speaker's Intentions. Melita Theologica XLII, 2, pp. 111-122.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1987. Actions and Bodily Movements. Melita Theologica XXXVIII, 2, pp. 88-93.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1987. Actions: Tokens and Kinds. Melita Theologica XXXVII, 1, pp. 19-22.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1986. Intention and the Explanation of Human Actions. Melita Theologica XXXVII, 2, pp. 1-8.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1985. J.L. Austin on Excuses: Some Consequences for Ethics. Melita Theologica XXXVI, 1, pp. 84-87.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1985. Il rapporto tra attore e personaggio. In: STEFANO MILIOTO, ed, Studi Pirandelliani a Malta. Palermo: Palumbo, pp. 33-37.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1985. Il rapporto tra attore e personaggio. Studi Pirandelliani a Malta, , pp. 33-37.
FRIGGIERI, J., 1981. Linguaggio e Azione: saggio su J.L. Austin. Milan: Vita e Pensiero.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1981. Maltese Literature as an Index of Secularization in Post-Colonial Malta. Perspektiv, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1979. Disillusionment after Independence in Maltese Literature. Individual and Community in Commonwealth Literature, , pp. 217-223.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1977. Philosophy Today. The Malta Year Book, , pp. 465-470.
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1977. Theatre in Malta. Contributions to Mediterranean Studies, .
JOE FRIGGIERI, 1975. Francis Ebejer: Maltese playwright and novelist. Contemporary Art in Malta, , pp. 19-28.