BALDACCHINO, I., PACE, N.P. and VASSALLO, J., 2020. Screening for monogenic diabetes in primary care. Primary care diabetes, 14(1), pp. 1-11.
AGIUS, M.P., CAMILLERI, L., GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Isolate hypogonadotropic hypogonadism–a review in a Maltese cohort. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 234, pp. e144.
AGIUS, M.P., GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Diabetes in pregnancy: diagnosis, management, outcome and complications.
CILIA, C., VASSALLO, J., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and FORMOSA, M.M., 2019. Searching for osteoporosis genes: The use of WGS in an extended Maltese family with osteoporosis. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND.
CUSCHIERI, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Write a scientific paper (WASP): Editor's perspective of submissions and dealing with editors. Early human development, 129, pp. 93-95.
CUSCHIERI, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Write a Scientific Paper (WASP): Which journal to target and why? Early human development, 129, pp. 90-92.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N. and MAMO, J., 2019. Relationship of past, present, and passive smoking with sociodemographic, anthropometric, biochemical, and dysglycemic profiles.
FORMOSA, R. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. RNASeq of Pituitary Adenomas reveals dysfunctional metabolic, secretory and differentiation molecular pathways. BioScientifica.
PACE, N.P., BONELLO, A., ROSHAN, M.H. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Circulating visfatin levels in the second and third trimester of pregnancies with gestational diabetes: a systematic review. Minerva ginecologica, 71(4), pp. 329-343.
PACE, N.P., CARUANA, R., CRAUS, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Genetic characterisation of a Maltese cohort with atypical non-autoimmune diabetes. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND.
PACE, N.P., RIZZO, C., ABELA, A., GRUPPETTA, M., FAVA, S., FELICE, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2019. Identification of an HNF1A p. Gly292fs Frameshift Mutation Presenting as Diabetes During Pregnancy in a Maltese Family. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports, 12, pp. 1179547619831034.
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J. and MGSD-EDUCATION, S.G., 2019. Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Care in the Mediterranean Region. Diabetes Therapy, 10(5), pp. 1909-1920.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., BARBARA, C. and MAMO, J., 2018. The interaction of dyslipidaemia with glycaemia in an adult population study. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 17(2), pp. 315-323.
DEBATTISTA, J., FORMOSA, R. and VASSALLO, J., 2018. Functional analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) polymorphisms in pituitary adenomas (PAs) in the presence of 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). BioScientifica.
FORMOSA, R., BORG, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2018. The down-regulated Tumour suppressor Wnt Inhibitory Factor 1 (WIF1) regulates non-Canonical Wnt signalling in Pituitary Adenomas (PA). BioScientifica.
IMBROLL, M.G., FARRUGIA, M., MIFSUD, S., VASSALLO, J. and GRUPPETTA, M., 2018. Analysis of diagnosis and growth dynamics of adrenal incidentalomas in a large general hospital. BioScientifica.
MONTEBELLO, A., CARUANA, R., THAKE, J., VELLA, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2018. A case of the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion in the setting of pre eclampsia. BioScientifica.
PACE, N.P., CRAUS, J., FELICE, A.E. and VASSALLO, J., 2018. Identification of an HNF1B p. Arg527Gln mutation in a Maltese patient with atypical early onset diabetes and diabetic nephropathy.
PACE, N.P., CRAUS, J., FELICE, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2018. Case Report: Identification of an HNF1B p. Arg527Gln mutation in a Maltese patient with atypical early onset diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. BMC endocrine disorders, 18(1), pp. 28.
RALSTON, S.H., PENMAN, I.D., STRACHAN, M.W.J. and HOBSON, R., 2018. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
VASSALLO, J., 2018. Sulfonylureas in specific clinical situations: maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY). Medicographia, 40(4), pp. 152-157.
VASSALLO, J., 2018. WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Critical appraisal of existing research. Early human development, 127, pp. 98-100.
VASSALLO, J., 2018. WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Plagiarism and the ethics of dealing with colleagues. Early human development, 124, pp. 65-67.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., PACE, N. and MAMO, J., 2017. The effect of age, gender, TG/HDL-C ratio and behavioral lifestyles on the metabolic syndrome in the high risk Mediterranean Island population of Malta. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 11, pp. S321-S327.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., PACE, N. and MAMO, J., 2017. The effects of socioeconomic determinants on hypertension in a cardiometabolic at-risk European country. International journal of hypertension, 2017.
FORMOSA, R., BORG, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2017. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a potential tumour suppressor in pituitary adenomas. Endocrine-related cancer, 24(8), pp. 445-457.
FORMOSA, R. and VASSALLO, J., 2017. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor–interacting protein (AIP) N-terminus gene mutations identified in pituitary adenoma patients alter protein stability and function. Hormones and Cancer, 8(3), pp. 174-184.
FORMOSA, R. and VASSALLO, J., 2017. The Complex Biology of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Its Role in the Pituitary Gland. Hormones and Cancer, 8(4), pp. 197-210.
GRUPPETTA, M., FORMOSA, R., FALZON, S., FALZON, E., SCICLUNA, S.A., DEGAETANO, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2017. Biomarkers of Pituitary Adenoma Behaviour. Endocrine Society.
GRUPPETTA, M., FORMOSA, R., FALZON, S., SCICLUNA, S.A., FALZON, E., DEGEATANO, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2017. Expression of cell cycle regulators and biomarkers of proliferation and regrowth in human pituitary adenomas. Pituitary, 20(3), pp. 358-371.
IMBROLL, M.G., VASSALLO, J. and GRUPPETTA, M., 2017. Epidemiology of PPGLs-A population based approach. BioScientifica.
NAVARRO, A., VASSALLO, J. and GALEA, J., 2017. Excision of an Elusive Tiny Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma. Case reports in oncology, 10(3), pp. 1105-1111.
VASSALLO, J., FORMOSA, R. and DEBATTISTA, J., 2017. Functional analysis of rare polymorphisms within the Aryl Hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) gene in pituitary adenomas. University of Malta.
AGIUS, M.P., GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2016. Diabetes in pregnancy: diagnosis, management, outcome and complications. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 206, pp. e129.
ATTARD, C.D.C., GRUPPETTA, M., VASSALLO, J. and VELLA, S., 2016. Carbimazole-induced exudative pleural effusions. Case Reports, 2016, pp. bcr2016215080.
CRAUS, J., 2016. SNP in GDM and obesity. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 206, pp. e145-e146.
CRAUS, J., VENTURA, C.S. and VASSALLO, J., 2016. Risk factors analysis as a diagnostic aid for the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 206, pp. e146.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., CAMILLERI, R., BORG, A., BONNICI, G., ZHANG, Y., PACE, N. and MAMO, J., 2016. Prevalence of obesity in Malta. Obesity science & practice, 2(4), pp. 466-470.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., PACE, N. and MAMO, J., 2016. Diabetes, pre-diabetes and their risk factors in malta: a study profile of national cross-sectional prevalence study. Global health, epidemiology and genomics, 1.
CUSCHIERI, S., VASSALLO, J., CALLEJA, N., PACE, N., ABELA, J., ALI, B.A., ABDULLAH, F., ZAHRA, E. and MAMO, J., 2016. The diabesity health economic crisis—the size of the crisis in a European island state following a cross-sectional study. Archives of Public Health, 74(1), pp. 52.
FORMOSA, R., VELLA, M., HUNTER, G., HUNTER, T. and VASSALLO, J., 2016. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein (AIP) N-Terminal Mutations Identified in Pituitary Adenoma Patients Alter Protein Structure and Function in in silico and in Vitro analyses. Endocrine Society, pp. SUN-536.
GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2016. Epidemiology and radiological geometric assessment of pituitary macroadenomas: population‐based study. Clinical endocrinology, 85(2), pp. 223-231.
GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2016. Outcomes of surgically treated nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas. BioScientifica.
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., CRAUS, J., ANASTASIOU, E., JOTIC, A., LALIC, N.M., SLAMA, C.B., LOSCOS, A.R., NAPOLI, A. and ROMA, G., 2016. Biological and biochemical characteristics of a Mediterranean population with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of perinatal medicine, 44(4), pp. 377-382.
DINGLI, P., ATTARD, R., DOGGEN, C., VASSALLO, J., CASSAR, K., FARRUGIA, R. and WETTINGER, S.B., 2015. Waist-hip-ratio a better indicator of risk of myocardial infarction than BMI in a Mediterranean Southern European population. Atherosclerosis, 241(1), pp. e169-e169.
ELJALI, S., PACE, N.P., VASSALLO, J. and FELICE, A.E., 2015. Molecular screening of the human melanocortin 4 receptor gene in obese Maltese type 2 diabetic patients.
FORMOSA, R., BORG, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2015. The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) May Act As a Tumour Suppressor in Pituitary Adenomas. Endocrine Society, pp. LBF-083.
MALLIA, N. and VASSALLO, J., 2015. Pathogenesis of endocrine thyroid cancer.
PACE, N.P., VASSALLO, J. and FELICE, A.E., 2015. Genetic determinants of visceral adiposity in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
ATTARD, R., VASSALLO, J., DINGLI, P., CASSAR, K., DOGGEN, C.J.M., FARRUGIA, R. and WETTINGER, S.B., 2014. Controlled versus uncontrolled diabetes and the risk of myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis, 235(2), pp. e69-e70.
ATTARD, R., PHILIP, P., CASSAR, K., VASSALLO, J., DOGGEN, C.J.M., FARRUGIA, R. and WETTINGER, S.B., 2014. Conventional risk factors for myocardial infarction in the Maltese population-results from the Maltese Acute Myocardial Infarction (MAMI) study.
FORMOSA, R. and VASSALLO, J., 2014. cAMP signalling in the normal and tumorigenic pituitary gland. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 392(1-2), pp. 37-50.
FORMOSA, R., BORG, J. and VASSALLO, J., 2014. Novel and classical molecular pathways identified in pituitary tumorigenesis using mRNA profiling. BioScientifica.
KARAMANOS, B., THANOPOULOU, A., ANASTASIOU, E., ASSAAD-KHALIL, S., ALBACHE, N., BACHAOUI, M., SLAMA, C.B., EL GHOMARI, H., JOTIC, A. and LALIC, N., 2014. Relation of the Mediterranean diet with the incidence of gestational diabetes. European journal of clinical nutrition, 68(1), pp. 8-13.
VASSALLO, J., 2014. Gender Specific Medicine in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice, 20.
VASSALLO, J. and CRAUS, S., 2014. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
AGIUS, R., SAVONA-VENTURA, C. and VASSALLO, J., 2013. Transgenerational metabolic determinants of fetal birth weight. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 121(07), pp. 431-435.
FELICE, A.E., VASSALLO, J. and PACE, N.P., 2013. Does summation of alleles account for genetic risk and genotype-phenotype association in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? .
FORMOSA, R., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2013. Aip regulates cAMP signalling and GH secretion in GH3 cells. Endocr Relat Cancer, 20(4), pp. 495-505.
GRUPPETTA, M., ABELA, A., CACHIA, M.J., FAVA, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2013. Thyroid nodules, FNA cytology and thyroid cancer in Malta. BioScientifica.
GRUPPETTA, M., MERCIECA, C. and VASSALLO, J., 2013. Prevalence and incidence of pituitary adenomas: a population based study in Malta. Pituitary, 16(4), pp. 545-553.
MUSCAT, M., BRINCAT, M., DEGAETANO, J., VASSALLO, J. and CALLEJA-AGIUS, J., 2013. An unusual site for calciphylaxis: a case report. Gynecological Endocrinology, 29(2), pp. 91-92.
PACE, N.P., VASSALLO, J. and FELICE, A.E., 2013. The genomics of type 2 diabetes: the Maltese contribution.
SAVONA‐VENTURA, C., MARRE, M., VASSALLO, J., KARAMANOS, B. and MGSD‐GDM, S.G., 2013. Obstetric adiposity in the Mediterranean region. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 122(1), pp. 80-81.
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., MARRE, M., KARAMANOS, B.G. and MGSD-GDM, S.G., 2013. Comment on: Zhu et al. Fasting plasma glucose at 24–28 weeks to screen for gestational diabetes mellitus: new evidence from China. Diabetes care 2013; 36: 2038–2040. Diabetes care, 36(9), pp. e165-e165.
SAVONA‐VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., MARRE, M., KARAMANOS, B.G. and MGSD‐GDM, S.G., 2013. A composite risk assessment model to screen for gestational diabetes mellitus among Mediterranean women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 120(3), pp. 240-244.
VASSALLO, J., FORMOSA, R. and XUEREB-ANASTASI, A., 2013. AIP reduces cAMP signalling and regulates GH secretion in GH3 cells. Endocrine Society, pp. MON-198.
ABELA, A., GRUPPETTA, M., CACHIA, M., VASSALLO, J. and FAVA, S., 2012. Primary hyperparathyroidism: association of imaging and pathology. BioScientifica.
FORMOSA, R., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2012. Over-expression of AIP protein in GH3 cells reduces cAMP signalling and Growth hormone secretion. BioScientifica.
FORMOSA, R., GRUPPETTA, M., FALZON, S., SANTILLO, G., DEGAETANO, J., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2012. Expression and clinical significance of Wnt players and survivin in pituitary tumours. Endocrine pathology, 23(2), pp. 123-131.
KARAMANOS, B., THANOPOULOU, A., ANASTASIOU, E., BENRUBI, M., ASSAAD-KHALIL, S., BACHAOUI, M., BEN SLAMA, C., EL BACHE, N., EL GHOMARI, H. and LALIC, N., 2012. Relationship of the incidence of gestational diabetes with the Mediterranean diet. SPRINGER 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA.
MAGRI, C.J., CALLEJA, N., BUHAGIAR, G., FAVA, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2012. Ankle-brachial index in a type 2 diabetic population with proliferative retinopathy: associated risk factors and complications. International angiology: a journal of the International Union of Angiology, 31(2), pp. 134-141.
MAGRI, C.J., CALLEJA, N., BUHAGIAR, G., FAVA, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2012. Factors associated with diabetic nephropathy in subjects with proliferative retinopathy. International urology and nephrology, 44(1), pp. 197-206.
MERCIECA, C., GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2012. Epidemiology, treatment trends and outcomes of acromegaly. European journal of internal medicine, 23(8), pp. e206-e207.
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., KARAMANOS, B., BEN SLAMA, C. and MARRE, M., 2012. Gestational diabetes in the mediterranean basin. MASSON EDITEUR 21 STREET CAMILLE DESMOULINS, ISSY, 92789 MOULINEAUX CEDEX 9 ….
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., KARAMANOS, B., SLAMA, C.B. and MARRE, M., 2012. O71 Diabčte gestationnel dans le bassin méditerranéen. Diabetes & metabolism, 38, pp. A18.
SAVONA-VENTURA, C., VASSALLO, J., MARRE, M. and KARAMANOS, B.G., 2012. Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy in Mediterranean women. Acta Diabetologica, 49(6), pp. 473-480.
VASSALLO, J., 2012. Editorial [Malta Medical Journal, Vol. 24 (3)].
VASSALLO, J., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and FORMOSA, R., 2012. Genetic predisposition and functional analysis of pituitary adenomas.
FORMOSA, R., GRUPETTA, M., FALZON, S., SANTILLO, G., DEGAETANO, J., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2011. Expression of canonical Wnt proteins and survivin in pituitary tumours. BioScientifica.
MAGRI, C.J., CALLEJA, N., BUHAGIAR, G., FAVA, S. and VASSALLO, J., 2011. Predictors of vibration perception threshold in type 2 diabetic patients with proliferative retinopathy. Postgraduate medical journal, 87(1032), pp. 658-663.
MAGRI, C.J., GATT, N., XUEREB, R.G. and FAVA, S., 2011. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and the endothelium: implications in cardiovascular disease. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy, 9(10), pp. 1279-1294.
VASSALLO, J., SAVONA-VENTURA, C., KARAMANOS, B. and MARRE, M., 2011. Gestational diabetes mellitus in the Mediterranean region. SPRINGER 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA.
VASSALLO, J., 2011. Quality healthcare, evidence-based medicine and translational research.
VASSALLO, J. and MERCIECA, C., 2011. Phenotyping and genotyping of Maltese patients with acromegaly. University of Malta.
CAPTUR, G., MICALLEF GRIMAUD, L., BETTS, A., DEGAETANO, J., ATTARD, A. and VASSALLO, J., 2010. Parathyroid carcinoma: clinical course, diagnosis and management.
FARRUGIA, C., GRUPPETTA, M., CALLEJA, N. and VASSALLO, J., 2010. Quality of life after multimodality treatment of acromegaly. BioScientifica.
FARRUGIA, C., GRUPPETTA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2010. Epidemiology and outcomes after multimodality therapy of acromegaly over three decades in the Maltese population. BioScientifica.
FORMOSA, R., FARRUGIA, C., XUEREB-ANASTASI, A., KORBONITS, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2010. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein: mutational analysis and functional validation in primary pituitary cell cultures. BioScientifica.
GRUPPETTA, M., FARRUGIA, C. and VASSALLO, J., 2010. Presentation, treatment and outcomes in patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA) in Malta. BioScientifica.
VASSALLO, J., 2010. Publish or perish? .
VASSALLO, J., 2010. Seven years later.
AL-ASHTAR, A., SCERRI, C.A., VASSALLO, J., AZZOPARDI, J., BORG, J., GRECH, G. and FELICE, A.E., 2009. Molecular SNPlotypes™ with common alleles reflects expression profile in diabetes mellitus Type 2 in two Mediterranean populations (Maltese and Libyans).
CORDINA, M., FENECH, A.G., VASSALLO, J. and CACCIOTTOLO, J.M., 2009. Anxiety and the management of asthma in an adult outpatient population. Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease, 3(5), pp. 227-233.
VASSALLO, J., 2009. The Bologna Process and the reform of medical education.
VASSALLO, J., 2009. Research in medical education.
VASSALLO, J., GRECH, G., AVELLINO, R., WISMAYER, P.S., AYERS, D., DAY, P.J.R., SAMMUT, M.R., AGIUS, M., FALZON, S. and MICALLEF, J., 2009. Medical education in Malta: an update. Malta Medical Journal, 21(4), pp. 5.
VELLA, S., CACHIA, M., VASSALLO, J., HUBER, J. and JEANES, Y., 2009. Thyroid dysfunction in a Maltese Type 2 diabetes population: P269. Diabetic Medicine, 26(1),.
DEBONO, M., CACHIA, E., CASSAR, A., CALLEJA, N., MALLIA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2008. Is erectile dysfunction a sentinel symptom for cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes? Andrologia, 40(1), pp. 1-6.
VASSALLO, J., 2008. Challenges in healthcare provision.
VASSALLO, J., 2008. Medical education and the pursuit of excellence: the quest for the Holy Grail? .
DEBONO, M., CACHIA, E., CASSAR, A., CALLEJA, N., MALLIA, M. and VASSALLO, J., 2007. Is erectile dysfunction a sentinel symptom for cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and left ventricular failure in patients with Type 2 diabetes?: P74. Diabetic Medicine, 24.
VASSALLO, J., 2007. Brave New Hospital (Apologies to Aldous Huxley).
VASSALLO, J., 2007. Medical education: a process in evolution.
VASSALLO, J., 2007. Medical research and development.
VASSALLO, J., 2007. Pathogenesis of obesity. J Malta Coll Pharm Pract, 12, pp. 19-22.
VASSALLO, J., 2007. Structured healthcare.
VASSALLO, J., 2006. The evolution of our medical school.
VASSALLO, J., 2006. Medical education and healthcare needs.
VASSALLO, J., 2005. EU accession: one year later.
VASSALLO, J., 2005. From Bench to Bedside and the Problem of ensuring Equity in Healthcare.
VASSALLO, J., 2005. Our medical school: quo vadis? .
VASSALLO, J., 2004. Career options in Medicine.
VASSALLO, J., 2004. Multidisciplinary professional interaction.
VASSALLO, J. and XUEREB, E., 2004. A new approach to the management of weight problems in a primary health care setting. University of Malta.
GUNSALUS, G.L., PORTO, C.S., XIE, X.B., SUI, Y.P., SPITERI-GRECH, J., TAKEDA, M. and BARDIN, C.W., 1994. Evidence that extracellular androgen-binding proteins are signal transducers. Cellular and molecular biology, 5, pp. 127-135.
KECK, C., KHAN, S.A., ROMMERTS, F., SPITERI-GRECH, J., SHARMA, O.P. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1993. The stimulation of rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis by human ovarian steroidogenesis-inducing protein (SIP) may not require endogenous cAMP. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 101(02), pp. 94-100.
LERCHL, A., KECK, C., SPITERI-GRECH, J. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1993. Diurnal variations in scrotal temperature of normal men and patients with varicocoele before and after treatment. International journal of andrology, 1993(16), pp. 195-200.
SPITERI-GRECH, J. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1993. Paracrine control of testicular function: a review. J Reprod Fertil, 98, pp. 1-14.
SPITERI-GRECH, J., WEINBAUER, G.F., BOLZE, P., CHANDOLIA, R.K. and BARTLETT, JOHN MS,NIESCHLAG, EBERHARD, 1993. Effect of FSH and testosterone on intratesticular insulin - like growth factor -I and specific germ cell populations in rats treated with gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist treated rats. Journal of Endocrinology, 137, pp. 81-89.
SPITERI-GRECH, J. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1993. Paracrine factors relevant to the regulation of spermatogenesis - a review. Journal of reproduction and fertility, 98, pp. 1-14.
VASSALLO, P. and SPITERI-GRECH, J., 1993. Ultrasonography of the Scrotum. Springer Verlag, pp. 253-267.
NIESCHLAG, E., BEHRE, H., WEINBAUER, G., GUDERMAN, T., SIMONI, M., SPITERI GRECH, ,J. and COOPER, T., 1992. Report on 8the 7th European Workshop on Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology of the testis.
NIESCHLAG, E., HERMANN, B., WEINBAUER, G., GUDERMANN, T., SIMONI, M., SPITERI-GRECH, J. and COOPER, T., 1992. Report of the 7th European Workshop on Molecular and Cellular Endcorinology of the Testis. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 87, pp. R25-R42.
SPITERI-GRECH, J. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1992. The role of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factorI in the regulation of male reproductive function. Hormone research, 38, pp. 22-27.
SPITERI-GRECH, J., BARTLETT, J.M.S. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1991. Hormonal regulation of epidermal growth factor and insulinlike growth factor-I in adult male hypophysectomised rats treated with ethane dimethane sulfphonate. Journal of Endocrinology, 129, pp. 109-117.
SPITERI-GRECH, J., BARTLETT, J.M.S. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1991. Regulation of testicular insulin-like growth factor-I in pubertal growth hormone-deficient male rats. Journal of Endocrinology, 131, pp. 279-285.
VASSALLO, J., 1991. Paracrine regulation of testicular function: the role of epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-I in spermatogenesis. Verlag nicht ermittelbar.
BARTLETT, J.M.S., SPITERI-GRECH, J. and NIESCHLAG, E., 1990. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor I and stage specific levels of epidermal growth factor in stage synchronised rat testes. Endocrinology, 127, pp. 747-758.
CORDINA, M., KLINGE, I., FENECH, A.G., GRECH, G., MARTIN, G.M., TONG, V., RAYNOR, D.K., ASLANI, P., CALLEJA, N. and AHMED, R., Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice.
ELJALI, S., PACE, N.P., VASSALLO, J. and FELICE, A.E., Molecular screening of the human Melanocortin 4 Receptor (MC4R) gene in obese Maltese Type 2 Diabetic patients.