Prof. Paul Bezzina
Associate Professor
Room 67
Block A, Level 1
Mater Dei Hospital
+356 2340 1824
- Radiation Safety
- Education of Radiographers
- Dose Optimisation
- Patient Care in Radiography
- Safety Standards
- Breast Imaging
- DNS2106 - Introduction to the Clinical Management of the Dental Patient
- HSC5005 - Applied Clinical Education in Health Care Practice
- HSM5120 - Application of Tools and Practices to Enhance Patient Safety and to Manage Clinical Risk in Context
- RAD1064 - Radiation Safety
- RAD1112 - Radiography Practice
- RAD1152 - Introduction to Research Methods
- RAD2207 - Reproductive System: Imaging, Pathology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
- RAD2208 - Urinary System: Imaging, Pathology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
- RAD2210 - Breast: Imaging, Pathology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
- RAD2211 - Thorax: Imaging, Pathology and Radiotherapy
- RAD3112 - Clinical Imaging Practice 5: Chest and Spine
- RAD3329 - Digestive System: Imaging, Pathology and Radiotherapy
- RAD3403 - Venipuncture and Cannulation of Adult Patients
- RAD3407 - Research Processes
- RAD5317 - Complex Obstetric and Gynaecological Pathologies and Related Anatomy and Physiology