POLLACCO, D.A., CALIGARI CONTI, M., FARRUGIA, L., SCHEMBRI WISMAYER, P., FARINA, L. and SAMMUT, C.V., 2019. Dielectric properties of muscle and tissue-mimicking solutions for microwave medical imaging applications. Physics in Medicine and Biology, .
CALIGARI CONTI, M., AQUILINA, D., PATERNOSTER, C., VELLA, D., SINAGRA, E., MANTOVANI, D., CASSAR, G., SCHEMBRI WISMAYER, P. and BUHAGIAR, J., 2018. Influence of cold rolling on in vitro cytotoxicity and electrochemical behaviour of an Fe-Mn-C biodegradable alloy in physiological solutions. Heliyon, 4(11), pp. e00926.
CAMENZULI, C., SCHEMBRI WISMAYER, P. and CALLEJA AGIUS, J., 2018. Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy: A Systematic Review of the Practice So Far. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 22(3), pp. 10.4293/JSLS.2018.00026.
CUSCHIERI, S., SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P. and GRECH, V., 2018. WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Writing a Research Grant - 2, Drafting the Proposal. Early human development, 127, pp. 109-111.
FARRUGIA, C., LUNG, C.Y.K., SCHEMBRI WISMAYER, P., ARIAS-MOLIZ, M.T. and CAMILLERI, J., 2018. The Relationship of Surface Characteristics and Antimicrobial Performance of Pulp Capping Materials. Journal of endodontics, 44(7), pp. 1115-1120.
SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., CUSCHIERI, S. and GRECH, V., 2018. WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Writing a Research Grant - 1, Applying for Funding. Early human development, 127, pp. 106-108.
KEBUDI BENEZRA, M., SCHEMBRI WISMAYER, P. and CAMILLERI, J., 2017. Influence of environment on testing of hydraulic sealers. Scientific reports, 7(1), pp. 17927-017-17280-7.
STONER, R., CAMILLERI, V., CALLEJA-AGIUS, J. and SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., 2017. The cytokine-hormone axis - the link between premenstrual syndrome and postpartum depression. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 33(8), pp. 588-592.
FARRUGIA, L., WISMAYER, P.S., MANGION, L.Z. and SAMMUT, C.V., 2016. Accurate in vivo dielectric properties of liver from 500 MHz to 40 GHz and their correlation to ex vivo measurements. Electromagnetic biology and medicine, 35(4), pp. 365-373.
MARESCA, G. and WISMAYER, P.S., 2016. DNA methylation and Cancer: Identifying and targeting epigenetic modifications may be the future of cancer therapy? The Gulf journal of oncology, 1(21), pp. 77-83.
STOICA, S., MAGOULAS, G.E., ANTONIOU, A.I., SULEIMAN, S., CASSAR, A., GATT, L., PAPAIOANNOU, D., ATHANASSOPOULOS, C.M. and SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., 2016. Synthesis of minoxidil conjugates and their evaluation as HL-60 differentiation agents. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 26(4), pp. 1145-1150.
TODOROVIC, T.R., VUKASINOVIC, J., PORTALONE, G., SULEIMAN, S., GLIGORIJEVIC, N., BJELOGRLIC, S., JOVANOVIC, K., RADULOVIC, S., ANDELKOVIC, K., CASSAR, A., FILIPOVIC, N.R. and SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., 2016. (Chalcogen)semicarbazones and their cobalt complexes differentiate HL-60 myeloid leukaemia cells and are cytotoxic towards tumor cell lines. MedChemComm, 8(1), pp. 103-111.
CASHA, A.R., MANCHE, A., GATT, R., DUCA, E., GAUCI, M., SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., CAMILLERI-PODESTA, M.T. and GRIMA, J.N., 2014. Mechanism of sternotomy dehiscence. Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, 19(4), pp. 617-621.
CASHA, A.R., MANCHE, A., GATT, R., WOLAK, W., DUDEK, K., GAUCI, M., SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., CAMILLERI-PODESTA, M.T. and GRIMA, J.N., 2014. Is there a biomechanical cause for spontaneous pneumothorax? European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 45(6), pp. 1011-1016.
CONTI, M.C., KARL, A., WISMAYER, P.S. and BUHAGIAR, J., 2014. Biocompatibility and characterization of a Kolsterised((R)) medical grade cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy. Biomatter, 4, pp. e27713.
REIFF, R.E., ALI, B.R., BARON, B., YU, T.W., BEN-SALEM, S., COULTER, M.E., SCHUBERT, C.R., HILL, R.S., AKAWI, N.A., AL-YOUNES, B., KAYA, N., EVRONY, G.D., AL-SAFFAR, M., FELIE, J.M., PARTLOW, J.N., SUNU, C.M., SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., ALKURAYA, F.S., MEYER, B.F., WALSH, C.A., AL-GAZALI, L. and MOCHIDA, G.H., 2014. METTL23, a transcriptional partner of GABPA, is essential for human cognition. Human molecular genetics, 23(13), pp. 3456-3466.
CALLEJA-AGIUS, J., SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P., CALLEJA, N., BRINCAT, M. and SPITERI, D., 2011. Obstetric outcome and cytokine levels in threatened miscarriage. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 27(2), pp. 121-127.
RODERICK MALLIA, JEAN-PAUL MANGION, CHRISTIAN CAMENZULI, ANNALISSE CASSAR, PAUL CACCIOTTOLO, JOHN CAUCHI, JOSEPH BORG, SARFRAZ ALI, PIERRE SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, 2011. HPV positivity varies with technique and primer set, in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded benign and malignant breast tissue from Malta. American Journal of Molecular Biology, 1(3), pp. 183-188.
DARMANIN, S., WISMAYER, P.S., CAMILLERI PODESTA, M.T., MICALLEF, M.J. and BUHAGIAR, J.A., 2009. An extract from Ricinus communis L. leaves possesses cytotoxic properties and induces apoptosis in SK-MEL-28 human melanoma cells. Natural product research, 23(6), pp. 561-571.
SCHEMBRI-WISMAYER, P. and BIRNIE, G.D., 2003. An improved growth hormone reporter gene shows a different pattern of transactivation by promoter fragments. Gene, 323, pp. 173-180.