Ms Rebecca Caruana

Ms Rebecca Caruana

Ms Rebecca Caruana


Scientific Officer

Atmospheric Monitoring & Research Group
Gozo Campus
University of Malta
  +356 2340 7905

2011-2015 studied B.Sc.(Hons.) Mathematics and Physics, Second Class Honours (Upper Division) at the University of Malta.

2014/2015 awarded the 'Dean of Science Awards' for my B.Sc.(Hons.) final year dissertation: Dynamic characteristics of buildings lying on clay-layer geology: a case study in Gozo.

2016-2017 studied M.Sc. in Geosciences (Full-time by Research), Distinction at the University of Malta.

Current Position:

March 2018 - present Aerosol Systems Scientist, Department of Geosciences, Atmospheric Pollution Research Group, University of Malta.


Galea, P.; Micallef, T.; Muscat, R. and D'Amico, S. (2015). Resonance frequency characteristics of buildings in Malta and Gozo using ambient vibrations, In Galea, P.; Borg, R.P.; Farrugia, D.; Aguis, M.R.; D'Amico, S.; Torpiano, A. and Bonello, M. (Eds.), Georisks in the Mediterranean and their Mitigation, Proceedings of the International Conference, 262-268.

D'Amico, S.; Imposa, S.; Panzera, F.; Lombardo, G.; Betti, M.; Muscat, R.; Borg, R.P. and Grassi, S. (2017). Evaluating dynamic behaviour of historical buildings through ambient seismic noise measurement and numerical modelling, IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Leece, Italy, 23-25 October.