Prof. Sandro Caruana

Prof. Sandro Caruana

Prof. Sandro Caruana



Room 114
Old Humanities Building (OH)
University of Malta
  +356 2340 2941
Sandro Caruana, (1968, Malta) is Professor of Italian Language Teaching Methodology. He is a former Dean (2015-19) and Deputy Dean (2013-15) of the Faculty of Education and a member of the Dept. of Languages & Humanities in Education, of which he was Head between 2010 and 2017.

He holds courses on Italian language teaching and learning, Italian Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and on intercultural communication. Besides language teaching and Sociolinguistics, his other areas of interest include multilingualism, language attitudes, second language acquisition and the Romance element in Maltese. He has participated in international projects on intercultural communication and on language teaching, presented his works at several local and international conferences and was invited as keynote speaker on a number of occasions.

He has participated in a number of international projects on intercultural communication and on the teaching of Italian, including the SPICES Project (Social Promotion of Intercultural Communication Expertise and Skills) and the MERIDIUM Project (Multilingualism in Europe as a Resource for Immigration Dialogue Initiative among the Universities of the Mediterranean). He has organised several international conferences in Malta, including those of the Associazione italiana di Linguistica Applicata (2008), of the Società di Linguistica italiana (2015) and of the Società di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa (2019). In 2018 he was conferred the honour of Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia, for having promoted Italian culture and contributed to relationships between Italy and Malta.
  • Second Language Teaching and Learning
  • Italian Linguistics
  • Intercultural communication
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Teacher Education
  • Multilingualism
  • EDU5971 - Applied Educational Research Methods
  • EST3215 - European Language Knowledge and Awareness
  • LHE5001 - Second Language Acquisition – Theory, Practice and Research
  • LHE5004 - An Introduction to Language Education
  • LHI5002 - Glottodidattica e Linguistica Acquisizionale / Language Teaching Methodology and Acquisitional Linguistics
  • LHI5003 - Input e didattica: dalla grammatica alla multimedialità / Input and Pedagogy: From Grammar to Multimodality
  • LLT3190 - Second Language Acquisition and Language Learning