Prof. Stephen Montefort

Prof. Stephen Montefort

Prof. Stephen Montefort



Department Of Medicine
Faculty Of Medicine & Surgery
Medical School, Mater Dei Hospital
Stephen Montefort qualified M.D. from the University of Malta in 1984 with distinction in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaaecology. He continued his training in Malta and the Hammersmith Hospital in London. In 1987 he was awarded a Chevening scholarship which he used to prepare himself for the MRCP [UK] which he acvquired in 1988 at first attempt.
In 1990 Prof Montefort was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship which helped him read for a PhD at the University of Southampton under the mentorship of Prof Stephen Holgate. He defended his PhD thesis on the role of Adhesion in the immunopathophysiology of asthma and allergic rhinitis and qualified in 1993. His research led him to publish extensively in the field of allergic airway conditions and he presented his original research in various international scientific meetings.On his return to Malta he continued his research into the epidemiology of asthma when he was part of the steering committee and Eastern Med. regional coordinator of the worldwide ISAAC study. He became consultant respiratory physician with the Malta Health Dept and senior lecturer ion Medicine with the Malta Medical School in 1997. Stephen was elected to Professor of Medicine in 2007 and has been Academic head of Medicine and Deputy Dean since 2012.He has been Lead Respiratory consultant since 2010. In 2015 he started organising the clinical exam PACES of the MRCP[UK] in Malta and has been Federation lead since then.
  • respiratory medicine
  • MDS3012 - Medicine 1 (Cardiovascular and Respiratory)
  • MDS4024 - Medicine
  • MDS4033 - Essential Core Competences