Informal complaints procedure

Informal complaints procedure


Our main aim at the Counselling Services is to give you as our client the best service possible. If there are times when you feel that this has not occurred, or you have some concerns about the service, it would be appreciated if you bring this to our attention, you would be actively contributing to the improvement of the service we offer.

Complaints about a Counselling Service Professional

When you have a concern about your counselling services professional, you are encouraged to approach the Intake Officer who will guide you through the process of voicing your concerns.

Usually, you would be encouraged to first try to discuss your concern directly with your counselling services professional. This can help you to take responsibility for yourself in the counselling relationship, and in turn, it can be helpful in clearing up any misunderstandings.

If this leaves you dissatisfied, or if you feel unable to speak to your counselling services professional, you can ask to consult with the Head of the Counselling Services.

With your permission, the Head of the Counselling Services will speak to your counselling services professional and may suggest a three-way meeting if this is mutually agreed upon. If the Head happens to be your counselling services professional, you can ask to speak to the Pro-Rector for Student and Institutional Affairs.

Complaints about the Service

When your concern is related to the service or procedure of the Counselling Services in general, you are invited to discuss this with any member of the Counselling Services team, or with the Head.  You can also do this anonymously by leaving us feedback through our feedback forms and feedback slips.

Formal complaints

If you still feel that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, the Counselling Services also has a procedure where complaints can be addressed formally.  You can refer to the Formal Complaints Procedure of the Counselling Services.