Studies in Social Wellbeing



Guidelines for authors

  • The word count for each article should be between 4,500 – 6,000, excluding the reference list.
  • Submissions should adhere to the latest APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style (7th edition). Kindly refer to the latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • Submissions should in British English.
  • Manuscript submissions should include the following
    • Title page including the title of the manuscript and the names and institutional affiliations of the author(s), as well as complete contact details for the corresponding author.
    • Main text including an abstract (maximum 250 words), keywords (between 3 - 6), references, tables and/or figures where relevant, declaration of funding sources and/or conflicts of interest, and any special acknowledgements.
  • Any articles referring to empirical studies with primary data collection from individuals, must be submitted along with ethical clearance obtained to carry out the study, either from a university ethics board or a body which would have originally provided the ethical clearance or approval for the study.
  • The authors will be asked to submit along with the final version:
    • A disclaimer form to be provided by the Journal Administrators
    • A Turnitin or other relevant plagiarism check report
  • Any changes made in response to the reviewers’ comments must be submitted:
    • In track changes
    • With an accompanying table explaining where each of the reviewers’ comments have been taken into account.
  • Submissions are to be sent via email on: Authors are to expect initial feedback from authors within 8 weeks of submission, after which they will be given a specific timeframe to address the required changes.
  • The deadline for the complete papers for this issue of the journal has been extended to the 10th of April 2024