External Quality Audit

External Quality Audit

What is EQA and why is it important?

EQA is the External Quality Audit by the NCFHE that the University is required to undertake, normally every five years. The EQA ensures that the University is compliant with relevant national regulations, whilst providing vital external insight on the effectiveness of its IQA procedures. The EQA may be at institution or programme level. The first EQA of the University that took place in April 2015 was an institutional quality audit. Further information on the EQA parameters is provided in this leaflet [PDF] published by the NCFHE.

National QA framework

The EQAs are based on the principles and Standards of the National QA Framework [PDF] published by the NCFHE.

EQA Manual of Procedures 

The EQAs are undertaken according to an EQA Manual of Procedures [PDF] published by the NCFHE.
