Faculty of Arts

Student representatives

Student representatives

Introduction: the Role of a Student Representative

Each Faculty at the University of Malta has student representatives at course level, on Faculty Board as well as on Council and Senate for one year. Student representatives participate and attend Board meetings and other functions and present the students’ voice. Students may contact their representative should they require advice or for the representative to deal with a complaint. For further information kindly consult the Undergraduate Regulations (2019) (pp. 27-30).  

Nomination Form  

Student Representatives on Faculty Board

Julia Balzan

Student Representatives on Departments


Mariah Yasmin James

Art and Art History

Gaia Grima

Joleine Irma Kipp


Emily Kate Loucaides

Ella Nordfeldt


Amy Borg

Ella Nordfeldt

Fine Arts

Kirsty Calleja

Maxine Calleja


Adam John Vassallo

Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures 

Shahed Abdulmagid Ali Bensaid


