Login button
If you have already created an online application account, please enter your existing username and password and click the 'Login' button to proceed with filling in the application.
New User Button
The 'New User' button is used to create an applicant account with the University of Malta. Once the 'New User' button is clicked, you will be prompted to fill in 3 sections in order to enable you to proceed with the application.
Forgotten password link
The ‘Forgotten Password’ facility can only be used once you have created an account as a University applicant and provided us with your personal email address. After you answer the personal questions, your reset password will be sent to the email address you have indicated.
Change password
Should you need to change your password, you can use this option after logging in. Your new password should have a minimum of 5 characters and should not exceed 12 characters. It is very important that you keep your new password confidential.
In this section, you are required to indicate the micro-credential/s that you wish to follow in the coming semester. Students can only follow one micro-credential per day – some micro-credentials are offered twice a week. Micro-credentials bear a credit value of 4 ECTS credits. Places on micro-credentials which have a limited number will only be guaranteed following successful payment of the total amount due – the fee for the micro-credential/s is to be paid at the end of the online application.
Marketing research
The Centre for the Liberal Arts and Sciences would be using this data for future advertising purposes. The data gathered from this section will be used solely by the Centre for marketing purposes.
Motivational statement
In the space provided on the application, you are required to give a brief description about your interest in applying for the micro-credential/s offered within the Programme for the Liberal Arts and Sciences. This information will be used in the evaluation process of your application.
Previous history at the University of Malta
In this section please indicate whether you have previously been a student at the University of Malta (UM), and whether you are currently following a full-time course at UM.
Privacy statement
In this section, you will need to confirm that you have read and agreed with the University of Malta Privacy Policy before proceeding with your online application. You can view the Privacy Policy of the University of Malta here.
Personal details
In this section of the application form, you will be asked to provide us with further personal information in addition to that already supplied.
Applicants with disabilities
Please let us know if you have any particular requirements due to a disability or a long term condition. The University of Malta may also collect personal information supplied through the use of web-based forms and surveys. This information will not be supplied to any third party, and will only be used for subsequent communications, if indicated by you, the user, at the time of submission. This notwithstanding, in submitting your personal information online, you are agreeing that University staff may use your details for the purpose of conducting the business of the University, including providing you with appropriate help and services to facilitate your studies.
Qualification sections
If you are in possession of tertiary level of qualifications, you are required to list the details of your qualifications in the section provided. In the Other Academic Qualifications section, you are required to list any Advanced, Intermediate or SEC/Ordinary level that you have obtained in previous years. You are also required to list any other subjects for which you are still awaiting results. If you are in possession of a Tertiary Level Qualification, please note that you do NOT need to fill in the Other Academic Qualifications section.
Current/last employment
In this section, kindly insert the details related with your current/last employment. Together with your qualifications, this data will also be considered in the evaluation process of your application for admission to the micro-credential/s that you will be applying for.
Data required for statistical purposes
You are requested to indicate the Secondary school and the Post-Secondary school that you attended. You can choose from a list of all state, private, and church schools in Malta and Gozo. Your parent’s educational level will only be used for research purposes and does not form part of the selection procedure.
Promotional material and questionnaires
The Office of the Registrar receives requests to forward emails on behalf of University of Malta / Junior College staff / students, Senate recognised students' organisations related to activities being organised, questionnaires required for research etc. The Registrar evaluates the nature and the purpose of such requests and gives consent or disapproval accordingly.
If you do not wish to receive such material, you can use this section to give instructions that your data is kept confidential.
Micro-credential/s fees and payment method
The tuition fees of PLAS micro-credentials bearing a credit value of 4 ECTS credits is EUR 180. Different fees apply for the PLAS Tech micro-credentials (EUR 200 for full-time University of Malta students; EUR 340 for non-full-time University of Malta). The total amount that you need to pay will be calculated automatically by the system and will be processed through a secure payment facility. Kindly note that places on micro-credentials which have limited numbers will only be guaranteed following successful payment of the total amount due. Once you click the 'Pay to Submit Application' button which is found at the bottom of the page, you will be prompted to input the card holder details which include card number, card expiry date, CVV number (if paying using VISA) and the card holder's name. If you would like to redeem your voucher, kindly input the voucher code in the space provided. The amount will be deducted from the total amount due in the payment gateway facility.