9th Annual Conferences ‘Body Knowledges: Praxis, Politics, Performance’



Following our successful virtual conference in 2022, the School of Performing Arts (SPA), University of Malta, invites proposal submissions to our 9th Annual Conference, which will take place on 22–24 March 2023. Our first in-person and hybrid conference since 2020, this three-day international conference brings together investigations and explorations under the title of ‘Body Knowledges: Praxis, Politics, Performance’. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought divergent ideas of the body, bodily praxes and body politics to the very fore of social and political life across the planet. In this light, the 2023 SPA Conference highlights embodied epistemology and praxis in the performing arts (dance, theatre, music) as well as the performance of politics and the political dimensions of performance in the past, present and future. Situated at the nexus of theory and bodily practice, the performing arts offer unique modes and methods for questioning, expanding and problematizing notions of both the body and the constitution and valuation of knowledge. At a time of unprecedented ecological and geo-political crisis, questions of how diverse bodies ‘know’ and how bodily knowledges are transmitted, occluded and/or made meaningful are not only pressing areas of interdisciplinary research but also key considerations for shifting conceptions of our world.
