International Office

International internships

International internships

Internships will provide you with a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and increase your knowledge in an identified area of expertise by engaging in a specific work/research-based setting. If you are interested in researching a specific topic or you are interested in gaining experience in research and / or work processes, you can be an Intern.

The aim of this page is to guide you prospective interns through the application process.

If you are an Intern receiving an Erasmus+ funding, then you are kindly requested to contact us, as a different procedure applies.

If you are interested in taking up an internship at the University of Malta, you must first find an internship supervisor willing to host you for the duration of the internship.

Access the full list of Faculties / Institutes / Centers / Schools. In case of any difficulty, you can contact Ms Katia Saliba.

The aim of the internship would need to be discussed with the prospective internship supervisor in order to determine whether you can be hosted or not.

Once your internship details; namely internship supervisor, internship aims and dates are confirmed you are invited to submit the following:

  • Internship Application Form
    The University of Malta charges you an application fee of EUR 35 for new internship application received. This includes the IT email account administrative fee. You can compile the Internship Application Form once your supervisor has been identified for your Internship.
    Refund Policy: Application fees are non-refundable.
  • Research Proposal or Project including your full name, date of birth, passport / id card number, home address and home institution details countersigned by your supervisor.

As international interns, you are advised, that the University of Malta does note provide you with any financial or in-kind contributions. You must have sufficient financial resources in order to organise your trip to Malta and to finance your stay in Malta, including, but not limited to: accommodation, transport academic materials and any other living expenses required during your stay. You are also responsible to make the necessary insurance coverage in place; either through your home institution or through your own arrangements.

During your internship, as an intern, you would have to abide by the regulations of the University of Malta and agree to respect the necessary conditions, set out in the specific Internship Agreement. The conditions can include any specific conditions laid out by the supervisor (the UM academic or administrative member of staff in charge of the intern).

Language of tuition at the University of Malta is English and therefore it is recommended that you have the adequate level of English Language proficiency to be able to successfully undertake the internship. Recommended English Language level is B2 and higher, as per the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The applicable law for Internship Agreements undertaken at the University of Malta is the Maltese Law. According to the international law, the law of the country where the contract shall be executed shall prevail. No other foreign legislation can be accepted.

As an intern, you must have a travel and health insurance which covers the duration of your stay in Malta and expenses for your personal belongings, specific medical interventions, repatriation and adequate coverage at the University of Malta which includes civil liability.

For internships which are carried out within the EEA by students of EU nationality, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) must be obtained. The EHIC provides cover for the first 90 days, therefore it is still important to have necessary travel and health insurance to cover services not included under the EHIC.

If you are a prospective intern of a Non-EU nationality, you are responsible to obtain the necessary Visa clearance in order to enter Malta and undertake the internship. Access further information.

All EU/EEA and all non-EU nationals are also requested to familiarise themselves with the E-residence requirements.

During the internship period at UM, the interns are subject to the conditions of the Internship Agreement and the rules and policies of the University of Malta and its subsequent amendments.

Your home institution should provide you with the necessary documents which are required by the University of Malta. If your home institution does not provide with you with such agreement, the University of Malta will draw up an Internship Agreement for you. Should this document require any amendments, we will provide the necessary assistance.

The International Office, together with the Legal Office, prepares and reviews the documents.The necessary feedback will be provided by the University of Malta supervisor. The Internship Agreement is countersigned by the home institution, the University of Malta and yourself. The UM affirms the importance of having an Internship Agreement in place for every hosted intern, as this outlines the obligations of both parties. The agreement must be in place before the start of the internship.

During your internship, you will not be registered on the Student Information Management System (SIMS) but may still apply for a library card (at the Library’s discretion) and for an IT services user account. No ECTS credits for the internships shall be awarded by the University of Malta.

The UM reserves the right to terminate the Internship Agreement traineeship agreements in cases where interns do not comply with the terms of the internship, misconduct and/or where the conditions of the agreement cannot be fulfilled by either party.

As an intern, you are also requested to fill in a Notification of Internship form. You are required to complete this form as it is needed by the Jobsplus. One of the requests by Jobsplus, is that you are a full-time student at your home institution or you have completed your studies, within the same year you are applying for your internship.

The form needs to be signed and stamped by your home institution and sent to the International Office. Once the form is countersigned by both institutions, the form together with the finalised Internship Agreement will be sent to the Jobsplus.

Guidelines towards the hosting of internships   at the University of Malta.