Institute for Physical Education & Sport

Events by students

Events by students

Events 2020/1

2020/1 - Independent Supervised Projects 

Throughout the current academic year our BSc(Hons) Sport and Physical Activity second year students have been working on producing a number of videos as part of an independent supervised project. We are sharing some of these with you:

Beginner Exercises for Children (5-12 years)

Beginner Exercises for Teenagers (13-19 years)

Beginner Exercises for Adults (20-59 years)

Beginner Exercises for Elderly (60+ years)


COVID19 - Independent Supervised Projects


The COVID19 crisis brought about a number of changes to how our students continued with their studies in their respective courses. Students in the BSc(Hons) in Sport and Physical Activity course were engaged in an independent supervised project through which they produced a number of videos to promote the importance of sport and physical activity even during this time of crisis. Below is a selection of work completed by these students as part of their assessment towards one of their study-units.


Stay safe. Stay active. Push hard

Keep active. Keep healthy. Keep safe

The Impact of COVID19 on Maltese National Athletes

Stay safe. Stay active. Stay healthy 


Activity with Students attending the University of the Third Age


On the 28th of November, the Institute for PE and Sport first year BSc(Hons) in Sport and Physical Activity students held an event for students of the University of the Third Age at the Cottonera Sports Complex. The activities chosen were based on traditional Maltese games including: Passju, Bocci, Xixu, Zibec, Bean Bag Toss, Ring Toss, Erba Kantunieri and Cirku.


The aim of this activity was to provide an opportunity to be active whilst bringing back nostalgic memories. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all that participated.


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