Gauci, J., Xuereb, M., Muscat, A. & Zammit-Mangion, D. 2017, "Multi-modal interaction between pilots and avionic systems on board large commercial aircraft.", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10276, pp. 200.
Gauci, J., Zammit-Mangion, D. & Muscat, A. 2017, Â Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.Â
US Design Patent D783,680, US.
Zammit-Mangion, D., Jedruszek, M. & Muscat, A. 2017, Â Human machine interface device for aircraft.Â
US Patent 9,710,145Â , US.
Micallef, M., Chircop, K., Zammit-Mangion, D. & Sammut, A. 2014, "Revised approach procedures to support optimal descents into Malta International Airport. ", CEAS Aeronautical Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 461.
Sabatini, R., Richardson, M.A., Cantiello, M., Toscano, M., Fiorini, P., Zammit-Mangion, D. & Gardi, A. 2014, "Experimental flight testing of night vision imaging systems in military fighter aircraft.", Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 42, no. 1.
Chircop, K. & Zammit-Mangion, D. 2013, "On E-constraint based methods for the generation of pareto frontiers.", Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation (JMEA), vol. 3, pp. 279.
Sabatini, R., Bartel, C., Kaharkar, A., Shaid, T., Rodriguez, L., Zammit-Mangion, D. & Jia, H. 2012, "Low-cost navigation and guidance systems for unmanned aerial vehicles - Part 1: Vision-based and integrated sensors.  ", Annual of Navigation Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 71.
Pervier, H., Nalianda, D., Espi, R., Sethi, V., Pilidis, P., Zammit-Mangion, D., Rogero, J.M. & Entz, R. 2011, SAE International Journal of Aerospace, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 973.
Zammit-Mangion, D. & Eshelby, M. 2008, "Design, integration and preliminary assessment of a take-off monitor display. ", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 371.
Zammit-Mangion, D. & Eshelby, M. 2006, "Evaluation of a take-off performance monitoring algorithm in large jet transport operations.", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 201.