Dr Edward Duca is a Science and Innovation Communication Lecturer at the University of Malta that manages a team of 10–20 staff and interns. He co-runs the science communication STEAM Summer School, started the research magazine Think, is involved in several large EU funded projects, and has created and managed several science communication events through the NGO the Malta Chamber of Scientists. He is a PhD graduate in Genetics (University of Edinburgh) & a freelance science writer and researcher. He has written for local & international organisations including The Times of Malta, Science and Nature.
In Malta, he founded Malta Cafe Scientifique, CineXjenza and Kids Dig Science, which are all part of the public outreach arm of the Malta Chamber of Scientists. By setting up the science and arts festival Science in the City (33,000 visitors per year), he wanted to bridge the gap between the sciences and arts to benefit each other, to bring new audiences to cultural events, to push the boundaries of arts, all while shining a critical lens on research. He wants to embed a culture of public engagement & research that benefits society. He wants to empower people to improve their communities.
His research interests include Innovation and Science Communication. Current research includes how to embed transdisciplinary education in Higher Education Institutions, development of innovative STEAM activities, recommendations for improving science communication in Malta, and impact evaluation of science communication activities and large scale festivals on audiences. His lecturing portfolio covers topics including science education, transdisciplinary education, STEAM approaches, science communication, public speaking & writing skills, and business communication & entrepreneurship. He is looking for collaborations with researchers in transdisciplinary education, and to develop approaches that engage society throughout the whole research process.
Dr Duca is a member of local & international associations. Most prominently, he is secretary of the Malta Chamber of Scientists & has been a member of 12 others (AAAS, ABSW, BIG, EUSEA, PCST & others). These associations include general science, science communication, & science writing societies. Between 2020–2024, he was the UM’s Rector’s Delegate in STEM Popularisation (Engagement) and a board member of EUSEA.
STEAM non-formal and informal education
Transdisciplinary education
Science and Arts
Evaluation methodologies
Societal involvement in research (Impact and RRI values)
Road-STEAMer is working to develop a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe and education policy. The Road-STEAMer Malta team organises events and workshops on co- creative, co-produced and co-implemented science communication and nature-based solutions following the 'CREATIONS' pedagogy. https://www.road-steamer.eu/
JUSTNature — https://justnatureproject.eu/labs/gzira The overall objective of JUSTNature is the activation of nature-based solutions (NbS) by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space. UM will be working with the Gzira Local Council to Implement Nature Based Solutions through the development of a City Learning Lab (CiPeL) within Gzira. The aim of the CiPeL is to enhance citizen engagement with research while helping to mitigate traffic, air and noise pollution, and the urban heat island effect. In Malta we want to setup the CiPeLs in two schools: Gzira Primary School and Stella Maris College as a way to empower the students, teachers and community.
Varcities Varcities (Visionary Nature Based Actions for Health, Wellbeing & Resilience in Cities), a 10 million H2020 project that is led in Malta by Dr Daniel Micallef. Its vision is to implement NBS and add value by establishing sustainable models for increasing H&WB of citizens (children, young people, middle age, elderly) that are exposed to diverse climatic conditions and challenges around Europe. In Malta we want to study traffic and air pollution in Rue D’Argens, create models, then design interventions to mitigate these issues. Citizens will be involved throughout the project life cycle from data collection to decision making. SMEs, government, & other stakeholders. https://www.varcities.eu
Science in the City—European Researchers’ Night (Horizon Europe funded project) Since 2012, Science in the City has grown into a national science communication event that attracts over 6% of Malta's population. It attracts international science communication professionals & provides a platform for hundreds of researchers, students, NGO members, government employees, industry workers, & educators to engage people from all backgrounds & interests in Malta. https://scienceinthecity.org.mt/