Prof. Isabelle Ragonesi

Prof. Isabelle Ragonesi

Prof. Isabelle Ragonesi


Associate Professor

Room 213
Old Humanities Building (OH)
University of Malta
  +356 2340 2304
I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Malta in History, Classics and Mediterranean Studies. I then went on to do a Masters in political science at the LSE where I focused on Southern European and EU politics and completed a dissertation on The Impact of the EU on Local Government: The Case of the London Boroughs. I completed my PhD under the supervision of Prof Robert Leonardi from the European Institute at the LSE. My focus was on Democratisation in Southern Europe. While undergoing my PhD studies I worked as a researcher at the Centre for Labour Studies at the University of Malta specialising in trade union issues with a focus on the impact of EU membership on this domain. During the period of Malta’s accession to the EU I was a Member of the Core Group of the Malta/EU Steering and Action Committee, an official body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was Deputy Chair of the MEUSAC Sub-Committee on General Affairs and External Relations .
I started lecturing in International Relations in 1993 and became a fulltime member of the department in 2001 when it was setup. I headed the department from 2008 to 2014. During my time as head of Department, I set up the local Masters in Humanitarian Action and also oversaw the department's membership to the Network of Humanitarian Action (NOHA) and their joint Masters programme. I also worked as part of a University group on developing a joint Masters in border guarding for FRONTEX.

My research interests include; Southern Europe and EU studies, democratisation studies, small state studies, comparative government, local and regional government studies, migration issues, border studies and the politics of Malta and Cyprus.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2019. Democracy in southern Europe: Colonialism, international relations and Euopeanization from Malta to Cyprus. 1 edn. London, UK.: Bloomsbury.

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2019. Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators. 1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2018. Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators. 1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2017. Maltese Presidency Aims to Make the Ordinary Extraordinary. Europe's World, 19 January 2017.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2017. On the Road to a European Army: The Case of Malta . In: H.P. BARTELS and A.M. KELLNER , eds,  Strategic Autonomy and the Defense of Europe – On the Road to a European Army? 1 edn. Verlag J.H.W Dietz Nachf GmBH, .

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2017. Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators. 1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

AQUILINA, K. and CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2016. The Relations Between States and Local Authorities in the Context of Development Planning in Malta. In: S. GUERARD and S. AUSTRAUSKA, eds, Local Autonomy in the 21st Century. 1 edn. Institut Universitaire Varenne Collection Kultura, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and MIFSUD, I., 2016. Calleja Ragonesi, I & Mifsud I (2016) Local and Regional Government in Malta in The Role of European Regions in 2016 A State of play of subsidiarity and multilevel governance in Europe. Assembly of the Regions. Brussels: Assembly of the Regions.

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2016. Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators. 1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2015. Reconnecting Europe with its Citizens. Europe's World, 21st December 2015.

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2015. Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators. 1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2014. “Cyprus, From Conflict to Conflict Resolution:Teaching History in the Buffer Zone”. In: BORG,C. GRECH,C., ed,  Lorenzo Milani’s Culture of Peace: Essays on Religion, Education and Democratic Life. 1 edn. Palgrave Macmillan, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2014. How Malta is being Squeezed between its Migration and Asylum Policies. Europe's World, 15 June 2014.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., KHAKEE, A. and PISANI, M., 2014.   “Blessed is He Who Considers the Human Rights Paradigm: Maltese Aid between Charity and Human Rights and between Catholicism and Secularism”

 . Mediterranean Quarterly, 25(3),.

PIROTTA, G., CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and COLINO, C., 2014.  Malta Report, Sustainable Governance Indicators.
1. Berlin: Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation,.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I.M.,V., 2013.  Mediterranean Studies in Comparative Education, Special issue  on Irregular Migration in Island States. Special issue Mediterranean Studies in Comparative Education on Irregular Migration in Island States, 7(2),.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I.M.V., 2013. Somali Children in the Maltese Educational System . Mediterranean Studies in Comparative Education, 7(2), pp. 135-173.

. AQUILINA, K. and CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2012. Local Government in Malta . In: A.M. MORENO, ed,  Local Government in the Member States of the European Union: A Comparative Legal Perspective  . 1 edn. National Institute of Public Administration, Spain Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública Madrid, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2012. “The Politics of Integration in a Small Island Peripheral State:The Case of Malta”. In: P. XUEREB , ed, Migration and Asylum in Malta and the European Union: Rights and Realities. 1 edn. Malta University Press, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2012. After Libya: Malta wrestles with its 50-Year-old Neutral Status, Views From The Capital.
. Europe's World, 20(Spring 2012), pp. 132.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2012. Malte. In: J.M DE WAELE & P. MAGNETTE, ed, Les Democraties Europeennes. 2 edn. Almond Colin Paris, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and CASSAR, V., 2012. Un point de vue maltais.  Malte et le 5+5. In: J.F. COUSTILLIERE , ed, Le + 5  face aux défis du réveil Arabe. 1 edn. Harmattan, .

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I. and AQUILINA, K., 2010-last update, Local Government in Malta [Homepage of Organisation for Local Autonomy in Europe Lille France], [Online]. Available:

VARIOUS, 2010. Tuning Sectoral Framework for the Social Sciences Final Report 2008 -20010. 1. Bilbao: University of Deusto.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2008, 3rd February 2008. The Case for Coaltion Government. The Malta Independent.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2008. Education and the Teaching of History in the Light of Encouraging Conflict Resolution in Cyprus. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 13(2), pp. 49 -67.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2008. Malte. In: J.M DE WAELE & P. MAGNETTE, ed, Les Democraties Europeennes. 1 edn. Armand Colin Paris, pp. 212.

Small States in EU integration and Democratization: The Regional Dynamics of Europe and the Mediterranean Area, South East Dialogue, European Integration Development and Democracy “I Mediterranei South/East dialogue” is supported by the European Commission through its Directorate General for Education and Culture – Socrates Programme: Erasmus Thematic Networks 2006, pp. 45-60.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2006. Malta and the Euro: Lessons in Small State Participation, Professori Jean Monet di Studi Europei Commissione Europea Atelier: I Mediterranei, South/East Dialogue -SEDEIC Consortium: The Euro and Democracy 2006.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2003, 16th February 2003. MLP Needs a New Foreign Policy. The Times of Malta.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2002, February 2002. ''Globalization, the EU and the Role of Islands ”Book Review of Lessons from the Political Economy of Small Islands:The Resourcefulness of Jurisdiction.”in association with the Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward island Canada.G Baldacchino& D Milne. The Sunday Times of Malta.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 2002. The Sympathy Strike in Context. The Malta Financial and Business Times.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 1998, March 1998. Political Democratization and Worker Participation:The Role of the Centre for Labour Studies. The Malta Independent.

CALLEJA RAGONESI, I., 1998, June 1998. Privatization and the New World Order. The Malta Independent.

  • IRL2090 - International Relations since 1919
  • IRL2093 - Comparative Politics
  • IRL2098 - Malta in International Relations
  • IRL2290 - International Relations since 1945
  • IRL3055 - Synoptic Study-Unit 1: International Relations
  • IRL3056 - Synoptic Study-Unit 2: International Relations
  • IRL3057 - Synoptic Study-Unit 1: International Relations
  • IRL3058 - Synoptic Study-Unit 2: International Relations
  • IRL5040 - Directed Study in International Relations
  • IRL5052 - Governance and Policy Making: The International Context