Dr. Marie Briguglio is a resident academic at the University of Malta (UM) lecturing mainly in Behavioural Economics and Environmental Economics, and expert on themes of economics of wellbeing, environmental cooperation, political preferences, cultural participation and market failure. She returned to academia in 2011 after a 15-year career in the public sector working in the same fields.
She was awarded a First Class Bachelor of Commerce and a First Class BA Honours in Economics from UM, a Master of Science in Environmental Economics from University College London with Distinction, and a PhD in Economics from Stirling University, UK.
She has published extensively in her field and has secured numerous research grants/scholarships (including 2 Horizon 2020 grants, Malta’s Research Excellence Grant and a Chevening Scholarship). An experienced public speaker, Marie has delivered over 150 conference presentations, keynote speeches, public talks and webinars. She has presented to diverse audiences including the Parliament of Malta, the EU commission, the Holy See and the general public. Marie is also a prolific audio-visual/print media writer and her work has been broadcast in several countries.
Marie's research has received extensive media coverage and generated impact through collaborations with entities like the Office of the President of Malta, the Environment and Resources Authority, the Malta Arts Council, the Malta Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, Green Budget Europe, the Commonwealth Secretariat, unions and voluntary organisations.
Marie holds positions on the UM Committee for Sustainability, the UM Research Ethics Committee, the Faculty Doctoral Committee, the Malta Chamber of Commerce Think Tank, The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society Advisory Board, The Malta Chamber of Scientists, the Advisory Board of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioural Economics and the Journal of Behavioural Economics and Policy.
Marie has won multiple awards such as the STEM Engaged Researcher Award, the World Intellectual Property Organisation Award for Creativity, the Malta Innovation Award, the Malta National Book Prize, WWF Green Personality and three Broadcasting awards.
HPN3010 - Perspectives in Health, Consumer and Sustainability Policies and Research
Awards, Honours
STEM Awards, Engaged Researcher, First Prize 2021 Malta National Book Prize, Non Fiction, First Prize 2019 Paul Harris Award, 2015 Stirling Management School Award for Applied Research Impact, First Prize 2014 IAREP/ICAP Best Student Paper 2014 World Intellectual Property Organisation Award for Creativity 2013 Malta Innovation Award 2013 Golden Star award for Active Citizenship 2005 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Green Media personality 2003 Special Commendation for Gender Balance in broadcasting 2001 Broadcasting Award Current Affairs 2000 Broadcasting Award Culture and Education 1999 Broadcasting Award Current Affairs 1994
Grants, scholarships
Secured 11 scholarships since 1990 (including UK Chevening Scholarship. Secured and managed 14 research grants while working at the University of Malta including 2 Horizon 2020 grants jointly worth over €1 million and UM Research Excellence Grant. Secured multiple European Union funds while working in the public sector.
Ongoing Projects
Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society - University of Malta Collaboration Agreement on Wellbeing Data and Research Ecoscope Nr. 101000302, a Horizon 2020 (H2020-BG-2020-2) Environmental Resources Authority - University of Malta Collaboration Agreement on Waste Electric and Electronic Goods Environmental Resources Authority - University of Malta Collaboration Agreement on Research on Environmental Economics, Behaviour and Communications
Current Representation on boards and committees, membership
The Malta Chamber of Commerce Think Tank – Member (2021-) Chevening Scholar Alumni Association of Malta – Member (2021-) Council Member of the Malta Chamber of Scientists – Board Member (2019-) The University College Dublin Geary Institute – Affiliated Member (2020-) The Journal of Behavioural Economics and Policy – Editorial Board member (2020-) The Advisory Board for the Society for the Advancement of Behavioural Economics (2018-) The Committee for Sustainability at the University of Malta(2018-) The University of Malta Research Ethics Committee - Member(2017-) The PhD Committee of the Faculty of Economics Management and Accounting(2017-) The Malta Elections (website) University of Malta (2012-)