GATT, I., RAYKOV, M. and VELLA, R., 2021. Not safe for work (NSFW) persons living with HIV: A study of a socially engaged theatre work-in-progress. Malta Review of Research in Education, 15, pp. 7-27.
GATT, I., RAYKOV, M. and VELLA, R., 2021. You’d be in bed, you’d have ... lesions and, and fever, and you’d be dying”: Challenging stigmatisation and misinformation about HIV through the arts. Invisibilidades, 15, pp. 46-53.
LA SALLE, T.P., ROCHA-NEVES, J., JIMERSON, S., DI SANO, S., MARTINSONE, B., MAJERCAKOVA ALBERTOVA, S., GAJDOŠOVÁ, E., DELTOUR, C., BAYE, A., HATZICHRISTOU, C., MARTINELLI, V., RAYKOV, M., PALIKARA, O., SZABÓ, É., ARLAUSKAITE, Z., ATHANASIOU, D., BROWN-EARLE, O., CASALE, G., LAMPROPOULOU, A. and MIKHAILOVA, A., 2021. A multinational study exploring adolescent perception of school climate and mental health. School psychology, 36, pp. 155-166.
RAYKOV, M., 2021. Assessment methods for socially engaged arts AMASS studies. In: A. KAPATY and M.A. SARANTOU, eds, University of Lapland, pp. 116-122.
RAYKOV, M., 2021. Photovoice. In: R. VELLA and M. PULÈ, eds, University of Lapland, ISBN: 978-952-337-245-0, .
RAYKOV, M. and VELLA, R., 2021. Documenting outcomes of participation in socially engaged projects. University of Lapland.
RAYKOV, M. and VELLA, R., 2021. Ethics Reviews in Socially Engaged Arts Research. Research in Arts and Education, .
VELLA, R. and RAYKOV, M., 2021. Editorial: Socially engaged arts in Malta and beyond. Malta Review of Educational Research, 15, pp. 1-6.
VELLA, R. and RAYKOV, M., 2021. Ethical Challenges in Socially Engaged Artistic Research. Research in Arts and Education.
BUTTERWICK, S., HEAD, G., MADALINSKA-MICHALAK, J., RAYKOV, M., TAYLOR, A., TAYLOR-NEU, R. and ZGAGA, P., 2020. Introduction: Ethical issues in educational research. European Educational Research Journal, 19, pp. 3-9.
LIVINGSTONE, D.W. and RAYKOV, M., 2020. The Great Canadian Training Gap: The apprenticeship system. Education Canada Journal.,
MADALIŃSKA-MICHALAK, J. and RAYKOV, M., 2020. The Changing Nature of Work and a Need to Prepare Teachers for Involvement in Innovative Work During and After the Pandemic. Labor et Educatio, 8, pp. 151-168.
RAYKOV, M., TAYLOR, A., JAMAL, S. and WU, S., 2020. Student volunteer work and learning: Undergraduates’ experiences and self-reported outcomes. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
RAYKOV, M., 2020. Education researchers’ perceptions of and experiences with the research ethics application process in Europe and beyond. European Educational Research Journal, 19, pp. 10-29.
TAYLOR, A. and RAYKOV, M., 2020. Towards Critical and Dialogical Mixed Methods Research: Reflections on Our Journey. Brill Sense., pp. 127-137.
TAYLOR, A., RAYKOV, M. and SWEET, R., 2020. Hard Working Students Report of 2018 and 2019 Survey Findings. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
VELLA, R., CARUANA, C., GATT, I., ZAMMIT, C. and RAYKOV, M., 2020. Visual art education in new times: Connecting Art with REal life issues. Erasmis+ CARE Project Report.
RAYKOV, M., 2019. Current trends and promising practices in teacher learning: A synthesis of findings from recent International surveys Teacher Education Matters. In: C. BEZZINA and S. CARUANA, eds, Msida: Faculty of Education, University of Malta, pp. 274-282.
RAYKOV, M., 2019. Teacher Professional Development: Current versus Ideal Practices. Jamia Journal of Education, 5, pp. 21-28.
RAYKOV, M. and MARTINELLI, V., 2019. Evaluation of a classroom anxiety scale for diagnostics and intervention planning in secondary schools. Educational Forum, 31, pp. 43-60.
TAYLOR, A., YOCHIM, L. and RAYKOV, M., 2019. Service-Learning and First-Generation University Students: A Conceptual Exploration of the Literature. Journal of Experiential Education, 42, pp. 349-363.
FENECH, C.S. and RAYKOV, M., 2018. Studying and Working—Hurdle or Springboard? Widening Access to Higher Education for Working Students in Malta. Springer., pp. 237-258.
OBA, T., RAYKOV, M. and OGAWA, M., 2018. Teachers Perceptions and Actions on Innovation. The analysis of high school survey in Japan and WALL survey in Canada. Journal of the teacher-training course at Osaka University, 2, pp. 25-36.
RAYKOV, M. and TAYLOR, A., 2018. Beyond learning for earning: the long-term outcomes of course-based and immersion community service learning. Vancouver: University of British Columbia / St. Francis Xavier University.
LIVINGSTONE, D.W. and RAYKOV, M., 2017. The growing gap between post-secondary schooling and further education: Findings of 1998, 2004, 2010 and 2016 national surveys of the employed Canadian labour force. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 29(1), pp. 83-104.
MARTINELLI, V. and RAYKOV, M., 2017. Evaluation of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) for student teacher approaches to learning. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 7, pp. 9-13.
BORG, C., MAYO, P. and RAYKOV, M., 2016. Adult learning in Malta. Insights into current participation, content and forms of adult learning. Msida, MT: Faculty of Education, University of Malta.
BORG, C., MAYO, P. and RAYKOV, M., 2016. Adult learning in Malta: insights into current participation, content and forms of adult learning. Msida: Faculty of Education, University of Malta.
LIVINGSTONE, D.W., POLLOK, K. and RAYKOV, M., 2016. Family binds and glass ceilings: Women managers’ promotion limits in a "knowledge economy". Critical Sociology, 42, pp. 145-166.
RAYKOV, M., 2015. Early school leaving and wellbeing in Malta and beyond - A statistical analysis. Attard, Malta: The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society.
RAYKOV, M. and BORG, C., 2015. Early school leaving and wellbeing in Malta and beyond: A statistical analysis. Attard: President’s Foundation for the Social Wellbeing of Society.
TAYLOR, A., BUTTERWICK, S., RAYKOV, M., GLICK, S., PEIKAZADI, N. and MEHRABI, S., 2015. Community Service-Learning in Canadian Higher Education. University of British Columbia. Vancouver,
TAYLOR, A., HAMM, Z. and RAYKOV, M., 2015. The experiences of female youth apprentices in Canada: just passing through? Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 67, pp. 93-108.
TAYLOR, A., LEHMANN, W. and RAYKOV, M., 2015. “Should I stay or should I go?” Exploring high school apprentices’ pathways. Journal of Education and Work, 28, pp. 652-676.
MARTINELLI, V. and RAYKOV, M., 2014. An overview of teacher education in Malta. Journal of International Forum of Educational Research, 1, pp. 1-12.
RAYKOV, M., 2014. Employer support for innovative work, employees job-related stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Occupational Health, 56(4), pp. 244-251.
RAYKOV, M. and LIVINGSTONE, D.W., 2014. Interest in unions and associations in a knowledge-based economy: Canadian evidence. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, 22, pp. 3-23.
RAYKOV, M. and TAYLOR, A., 2014. Gendered Attitudes and Outcomes of Community Service-Learning. Malta Review of Educational Research, 8, pp. 80-108.
TAYLOR, A., RAYKOV, M. and HAMM, Z., 2014. Exploring outcomes of youth apprenticeship in Canada. In: A.M. L. ARCHER J.STANLEY, ed, London: Routledge, pp. 221-235.
TAYLOR, A., RAYKOV, M. and HAMM, Z., 2014. Exploring outcomes of youth apprenticeship in Canada. In: A.M. L. ARCHER J.STANLEY, ed, London: Routledge, pp. 221-235.
TAYLOR, A. and RAYKOV, M., 2014. The Long-‐term Outcomes of Community Service-‐Learning. Higher Education, 67, pp. 221-239.
LIVINGSTONE, D.W. and RAYKOV, M., 2013. Adult learning trends in Canada: Basic findings of the WALL 1998, 2004 and 2010 Surveys. Toronto: Centre for the Study of Education and Work, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
RAYKOV, M. and TAYLOR, A., 2013. Health and safety for Canadian youth in trades. Just Labour, 20, pp. 33-50.
RAYKOV, M. and TAYLOR, A., 2013. Health and safety for Canadian youth in trades. Just Labour, 20, pp. 33-50.
RAYKOV, M., TAYLOR, A. and HAMM, Z., 2013. Challenges in attracting and retaining women in trades. Canadian Apprenticeship Journal, 8(1), pp. 4-28.
RAYKOV, M., TAYLOR, A. and HAMM, Z., 2013. Challenges in attracting and retaining women in trades. Canadian Apprenticeship Journal, 8, pp. 4-28.
TAYLOR, A., LEHMAN, W., RAYKOV, M. and HAMM, Z., 2013. High school apprenticeship. Research Report for Government of Ontario and CAREERS. Edmonton: University of Alberta.
TAYLOR, A., LEHMANN, W., RAYKOV, M. and HAMM, Z., 2013. High school apprenticeship: Experiences and outcomes. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 18, pp. 135-146.
RAYKOV, M., 2012. Underemployment and Quality of Life. Toronto: Centre for the Study of Education and Work, University of Toronto.
RAYKOV, M., 2012. Underemployment and Quality of Life. Toronto: Centre for the Study of Education and Work, University of Toronto.
TAYLOR, A. and RAYKOV, M., 2012. But what about the girls? Youth apprenticeship and social mobility. (pp 331-338), 2012, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo.