Prof. Philip Bonanno

Prof. Philip Bonanno

Prof. Philip Bonanno

  B.Ed.(Hons)(Melit.),M.Phil.(Melit.),Ph.D.(Joensuu, Finland)

Associate Professor

Room 104A
MAKS Building
University of Malta
  +356 2340 3858
Senior lecturer in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) at the Faculty of Education (FoE), University of Malta (UoM). Holds a doctorate (Summa Cum Laude) in Instructional Psychology and Technology from University of Joensuu, Finland. PhD Thesis: ‘Learning Through Collaborative Gaming: A Process-oriented Pedagogy’. Member of the academic team for the 'Programme in TEL’ of the FoE, UoM. Coordinator of the Masters Programme in TEL; Member of the project teams for COST Action TU1306 – CyberParks; Erasmus+ EUStOre – Evaluating on-line open Education and resources; Erasmus+ FORETELL – Developing an on-line 3D virtual gaming environment to promote safety about fire and floods for 8-15 y.o students; and COST Action 16207 – Problematic Use of the Internet. Published articles, papers and chapters in books about individual differences in learning, game-enhanced learning, Ubiquitous / Mobile / Smart City Learning, Open Educational resources, learning design and digital literacy of teachers and teacher educators.
  • Technology-enhanced Learning
  • Digital Pedagogies
  • Game-enhanced learning
  • Smart Learning
  • Readiness of Educators for TEL
  • Cyberpsychology.
  • Digital Citizenship Education

Bonanno, P. 2018, "A Pedagogical Model for CyberParks." in CyberParks - the interface between People, Places and Technology., eds. C. Smaniotto Costa, O. Marina & E. Suklje, IGI Global Publishing., .

Bonanno, P. 2016, "The State of Open Education and Open Educational Resources in Malta." in EUStORe - use and implementation of Open Education and Open Educational Resources in Europe., ed. M. Beutner, Ingenious Knowledge GmbH, Köln, pp. 80-87.

Bonanno, P. 2015, "Assessing Technology-Enhanced learning." in Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments., eds. S. Koc, L. Xiongyi & P. Wachira, Information Age Publishing., Charlotte, NC., pp. 39-54.

Klichowski, M., Bonanno, P., Jaskulska, S., Smaniotto Costa, C., deLange M. & Klauser. F.R. 2015, "CyberParks as a new context for Smart Education: theoretical background, assumptions, and pre-service teachers’ rating.", American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, no. 12A, pp. 01-10.

Bonanno, P. 2014, "Designing Learning in Social On-line Learning Environments: A Process-oriented Approach." in The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education.  IGI Global Publishing., ed. G. Mallia, IGI Global Publishing., , pp. 40-61.

Bonanno, P. 2011, "Developing an Instrument to Assess Teachers' Readiness for Technology Enhanced Learning. ", International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning.

Bonanno, P. 2011, "A Process-oriented Pedagogy for Ubiquitous Learning" in Ubiquitous Learning: Strategies for Pedagogy, Course Design, and Technology, eds. T. Kidd & I. Chen , Information Age Publishing, , pp. 17-35.

Philip Bonanno 2011, "Learning to Game and Gaming to Learn: A Process-Oriented Pedagogy for Collaborative Game-Based Learning." in Educational Games: Design, Learning and Applications., eds. F. Edvardsen & H. Kulle, Nova Science Publishers, , pp. 61-84.

Philip Bonanno 2011, "A Process-oriented Pedagogy for Ubiquitous Learning" in Ubiquitous Learning: A Survey of Applications, Research, and Trends, eds. T. Kidd & I. Chen, Information Age Publishing, .

Bonanno, P. 2010, "Designing Ambient Games from a Process-oriented perspective.
", MLearn2010: 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning.

Bonanno, P. 2010, "Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning from a Process-Oriented Perspective.  ", International Conference On Interactive Computer Aided Learning.

Bonanno, P. 2009, "A Process-oriented pedagogy for collaborative game-based Learning.", Conference of the Digital Games Research Association 2009 - Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.

Bonanno, P. 2008, Learning Through Collaborative Gaming: A Process-oriented Pedagogy, University of Joensuu, Finland., Joensuu, Finland.

Bonanno, P. & Kommers, P.A.M. 2008, "Exploring the Influence of Gender and Gaming Competence on Attitudes Towards Using Instructional Games.", British Journal of Educational Technology., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 97-109.

Bonanno, P. 2007, "Exploring the Influence of Group characteristics on Interactions during Collaborative Gaming.", The IADIS International Conference: e-Learning.

Bonanno, P. 2007, "Exploring the Influence of Individual characteristics on Interactions during Collaborative Gaming.", Tthe 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction.

Bonanno, P. 2007, "The Influence of Game Features on Collaborative Gaming: A Process-oriented Approach.", The International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning.

Bonanno, P. 2005, "Categorising and investigating Gender-based Neurocognitive Propensities influencing Gameplay: An Interactions-oriented approach.", Digital Game Based Learning - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium for Information
, eds. M. Burmester, D. Gerhard & F. Thissen, Karlsruhe University., .

Bonanno, P. 2005, "Developing Learning Profiles for Web-Based Communities:Towards an Interactions-Oriented Model.", International Journal of Web-Based Communities, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 382-395.

Bonanno, P. 2005, "An Interactions-oriented Pedagogy for Technology-Intensive       Collaborative Learning Environments.", The IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning.

Bonanno, P. & Kommers, P.A.M. 2005, "Gender Differences and Styles in the Use of Digital Games", Educational Psychology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 13-39.

Isaias, P., Borg, C., Kommers, P. & Bonanno, P. (eds) 2005, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2005., International Association for development of the Information Society edn, IADIS Press.

Bonanno, P. 2004, "Flexible Learning: The Complementary Dimension in Future Education", Journal of Maltese Education Research, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 38-52.

Bonanno, P. 2004, "Metacognition within a Constructionist Model of Learning", International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, vol. 14, no. 1/2, pp. 09-23.

Bonanno, P. & Kommers, P.A.M. 2003, "Gender Differences and Styles in the Use of Digital Games.", The 8th Annual Conference of the ‘European Learning Styles Information Network’.

Bonanno, P. 2002, "Individual and Participatory forms of Learning" in
Inside Secondary Schools: A Maltese Reader
, ed. Bezzina, C., Grima, A. C., Purchase, D. and Sultana, R., Indigo, Msida, pp. 88-100.

Bonanno, P. 2001, "Analysing cognitive style manifested in students’ work.", The 6th Annual Conference of the ‘European Learning Styles Information Network'., pp. 25.

Bonanno, P. "Developing an Instrument to Assess Teacher Educators' Readiness for Technology-Enhanced Learning. ", The ATEE Summer Conference: Professional development of teacher educators: Bringing together policy, practice and research.

  • EDS5001 - Themes in Education 1
  • IAL5001 - Themes in Education 2
  • LLI5003 - Introduction to Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning
  • LLI5004 - Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning
  • LLI5023 - Educating School Leaders for the Internet
  • LLI5025 - Digital Pedagoies. A Hands-On Approach
Research Work in Progress:
Developing a pedagogy for Smart Learning; Exploring the digital competence of teachers in
multicultural classes; Exploring the Digital Leadership manifested by State Primary School
Leaders; Exploring the Digital and Pedagogical competence of Teachers participating in
eTwinning projects.

Publications in Progress:
Bonanno, Ph., French, S. & Colson, A. (2018). Developing a Training Course in Structured Expert
Judgment. In French, S., Bedford, T., Hanea, A.M. & Nane, G.F. (Eds): Expert Judgement in
Risk and Decision Analysis.
Bonanno, Ph. (2019). Teachers' Readiness to use Computer Tablets in Primary Classrooms.

Participation in COST Actions:
TD1408 -INTREPID - Interdisciplinarity in research programming
and funding cycles.
CA16207 – PUI – European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet.

Programme Development
Currently developing Master Programme in Digital Citizenship Education.

Doctoral students: Ms Penelope Lister - A pedagogical Inquiry into smart learning using a Phenomenographic Approach
Ms Marthese Spiteri - Exploring the effectiveness of teachers’ digital competence in connecting with and
integrating students coming from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Master students: Ms Tania Formosa - Teacher competence development through eTwinning
Ms Pamela Scicluna - Digital Leadership in State Primary Schools