Logo for HARMONY project

Title: HARMONY - Italo-Maltese harmonisation for a good state of the environment: Integrity of the seabed and interaction with invasive species to preserve the functioning of marine ecosystems

Armonizzazione Italo-Maltese per un buono stato dell’ambiente: integrità dei fondali ed interazione con le specie invasive per preservare il funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini

Start date: 1 January 2018

End date: 27 February 2021

Coordinator: Prof. Alan Deidun

Lead partner: Università degli Studi di Palermo

Total budget: € 1,675,245.76

ERDF funding: € 1,377,467.50

IPA funding: € 243,082.50

HARMONY suggested a set of monitoring and control measures between the two cross-border countries, Italy and Malta. The project provided interventions to jointly recognise:

  1. the integrity of marine seafloor and the inhabiting species,
  2. the effects of habitat fragmentation in facilitating the diffusion of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS).

By integrating these two aspects, HARMONY reached a better understanding of marine ecosystem functioning in a cross-border context. To meet the set of mandatory descriptors and indicators suggested by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (D.2 “Non-indigenous Species” and D.6 “Sea-floor integrity”), we developed integrated interventions and measures of monitoring and suggested management plans of Natura 2000 sites and habitats. The cross-border nature of Italy and Malta, depending on common shared biological resources and similar social and economic structures, urged the building of a common framework and a set of aligned approaches. This was requested to avoid future conflicts, reduce the risk of ecosystem loss and prevent the impoverishment of good and services. The set of outputs which were promoted by HARMONY were integrated to produce a common strategy and EDRR tools (Early Detection & Rapid Response), innovative high resolution data recording sensors, and monitoring networks based on participatory processes (es. citizen science) that allow to: i) activate control measures to reduce the likelihood of alteration due to the alien species spread and the seafloor integrity at sites of high ecological (biodiversity) and socio-economic value (Nature 2000 sites), ii) align policy actions between the two countries, iii) foster the effectiveness of generated management strategies and lastly iv) create a common permanent governance structure of Italo-Maltese cross-border EDRR internal (among partners PPs) and external of knowledge transferring on the nearby areas.

The objectives of the HARMONY Project were:

  1. to protect marine biodiversity by assessing seabed integrity and the presence of non-indigenous species (NIS) in the Italo-Maltese cross-border area, and
  2. to promote the development of coordinated strategies and shared decision-making processes.

Consistent with this approach, the HARMONY project carried out marine habitat and species monitoring activities with the active involvement of citizens with data and information collection.

The project’s goal was being achieved through the following actions:

  • monitoring campaigns and monitoring protocols on the seabed integrity and non-indigenous species in Natura 2000 sites;
  • innovative seabed integrity and non-indigenous species monitoring techniques based on the involvement of citizens (citizen science) through Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK);
  • elaboration of shared strategies for harmonising and coordinating the monitoring of the seabed and NIS, through noting and co-planning processes that involved stakeholders.

For more information visit our Project website and Facebook page.
