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Faculty of Health Sciences

  +356 2340 1830

Mr Noel Abela

M.Sc.(Infection Control)(Essex),S.R.N.
Visiting Senior Lecturer
  +356 2545 7473

Dr Stephen Abela

M.D., F.R.C.P., M.Phil., M.H.Sc. H.S.M., M.Sc.(Dem. Stud.)
Visiting Senior Lecturer
  +356 2340 1571

Dr Trevor Abela Fiorentino

Dip. Nur.,B.Sc.(Hons),M.Sc.(Melit.),Ph.D.(Cov.),R.N.
  +356 2340 1113

Dr Joseph G Agius

Visiting Senior Lecturer
Human Communication Sciences and Disorders
  +356 2340 1908

Dr May Agius

Visiting Senior Lecturer
Human Communication Sciences and Disorders

Dr Rachael M Agius

Senior Lecturer
Human Communication Sciences and Disorders
  +356 2340 1854