Once you activate your UM IT account, you will be able to log in on the AIMS portal.
For specialised access requests such as requisitioning and sales ordering, open a ticket by filling in the applicable form.
In the case of timesheet access, contact your project's Responsible Officer at Project Support Office. For access to apply for absence through AIMS, contact HR on absence.hrmd@um.edu.mt
AIMS Office holds both requisitioning and sales ordering training sessions to introduce the system to new UM members of staff. Training occurs either in groups, or individual, with training typically held online. If you require such training, open a ticket and we will get back to you with a date.
Refer to the user guides prepared and curated by our specialised staff. Each topic represents the main functionalities available on the AIMS system. If you do not manage to find the information you require, contact us for further assistance.
General Usage Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Accessing Payslips Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Requisitions Entry Guide [PDF][Intranet]
Requisitions Approval Guide [PDF][Intranet]
Purchase Orders And Goods Receipting [PDF][Intranet]
Absence Entry Guide [PDF][Intranet]
Absence Approval Guide [PDF][Intranet]
Introduction [Drive][Video][Intranet]
Approving or Rejecting Timesheets [Drive][Video][Intranet]
Resolving Rejected Timesheets [Drive][Video][Intranet]
Sales Ordering Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Corporate Research and Knowledge Transfer [PDF][Intranet]
Understanding Financial Reporting [Drive][Video]
Financial Report for Externally Financed Projects [PDF][Intranet]
Administrative Technical and Industrial Staff Work Resources Enquiries [PDF][Intranet]
Overtime Consent Form Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Personal Details Form Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Asset Jobsheet Form Manual [PDF][Intranet]
Income Manager Manual [PDF][Intranet]