Diploma supplement label

Diploma supplement label

UM has been awarded the Europass Diploma Supplement (DS) Label by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. This Label was instituted to encourage institutions of higher education to provide their graduates with a document supplementary to their scroll which provides detailed, up-to-date information on the course of studies followed.

A Europass Diploma Supplement Label Award Ceremony was held on 17 May 2013 by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education in Malta, in collaboration with the European Union Programme Agency. The DS Label certificate was presented by Dr Philip von Brockdorff, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Commission for Further and Higher Education, and an acceptance speech followed, by Professor Alfred J. Vella, Pro-Rector of the University of Malta. This activity was funded by the EU Commission within the framework of EUROPASS.
