Paperless examinations

Paperless examinations

We aim to reduce paper and go for paperless examinations.

Since January 2019, C-SUM has been working with the Office of the Registrar and with IT Services to implement a number of examinations electronically - especially multiple choice examinations - with the aim of reducing the use of paper.

The electronic examinations pilot project using WISEflow, initially planned for only a limited number of examinations, would have been held during the second semester of 2020. Through the WISEFlow platform exam papers are available electronically: students enter their replies electronically and assessments are effected electronically, completely eliminating the use of paper.

The COVID-19 emergency situation accelerated the use of electronic paperless examinations using both WISEflow and VLE Exam. The Office of the Registrar and IT Services succeeded in making this possible: a total of 142 examinations for the June 2020 session, for about 2,900 students, were held through WISEflow. VLE Exam was used for the other examinations during the June 2020 session.