In order to reduce its carbon footprint, over the last few years we have worked to improve transport options, resulting in:
- Getting to UM Travel Information Website for UM members - Investment in Walking and Cycling infrastructure - Public transport fund schemes for staff and students- Flexibility and Teleworking option for staff.
The University of Malta has a travel plan in place, which is beneficial as part of the planning and development process and provides direction for supporting sustainable travel and reducing reliance on single-occupancy car trips. In order to review and update the travel plan, the University conducts travel surveys to find out more about the travel patterns and choices of our staff and students. The last Green Travel Plan (GTP) Survey was carried out in June 2018.
The University of Malta main campus is situated in Msida, next to Mater Dei Hospital, a prime location reached easily by bus from all the localities on the island. The other UM campuses such as Junior College, the Gozo Campus and the Valletta Campus are also well served by public transport links.
We encourage UM students and members of the staff to walk on their daily commute whenever possible. For this reason, we offer a series of walking route maps from different localities around the UM Msida Campus. We would also like to invite you to participate in this project to report your walking experience.
If you have a bicycle and cycle regularly, why don’t you use it for University?
Depending on your locality on this map you may find different routes leading to University.
There are various bicycle racks where you can secure it and there are also free shower and locker facility. All these facilities are found in the Bicycle Facility Map.
If you own a vehicle, you can carry the bicycle in the car and use it to cycle to University. If you use public transport you can use a fold-able bicycle which you can carry on the bus while commuting.
You don't have a bicycle?....don't worry! you can loan one from KSU through their Green Fund.
May I remind you to cycle safely, to observe all the traffic regulations, to include lights on the bicycle and wear reflective and protective clothing
Electric Bicycles and Scooters are now available on Campus in tallinja docking station next to Vjal Tessie Camilleri. KSU is currently offering a subsidy on the purchase of bicycles and e-bikes.
University of Malta Campus is easily accessible by bus and as a student you can benefit from the Student Special Offer. A number of routes pass within easy walking distance of the campus. Click here to access Google Maps and enter your location.For more information visit the Malta Public Transport website.
Have you ever wished that you could reserve your seat on a bus? Now you can with the Tallinja On Demand which is currently operating between Valletta and Pembroke, including St. Julian’s, Swieqi, San Ġwann, Sliema, Msida, Pieta and Floriana.
If you wish to visit UM Msida Campus from Gozo you may choose from some of the ferries available, such as the Gozo Channel Ferry which stops you at Cirkewwa or the Gozo Fast Ferry which stops at Valletta Grand Harbour. Both Cirkwewa and Valletta are well connected with direct bus routes to UM Msida Campus. If you live around the 3 cities and you want to be more adventurous you may combine your travel mode by using the Valletta Ferry Service which departs from Cospicua to Valletta every 30 minutes.
Parking spaces at University of Malta campus are limited and in order to park you must obtain a parking permit from KSU Office. Once you have the permit you may reserve a parking spot on Campus and carpool with your friends.
If you are in a hurry and would like a quick ride you may use one of the many taxi service that exist on the island. They can be reached by downloading their apps on your mobile phone, through their web pages or by telephone.