Form 3/Year 9 candidates who apply for access arrangements for the assessment of vocational subjects at SEC level will need to apply by the end of January of that year since the first controlled assessment will be held at the end of Form 3/Year 9. Candidates who require access arrangements for Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) and/or AD(H)D and Dyspraxia (DCD) will need to present a full psychological report based on tests made at any time during their educational career together with an assessment update carried out from January of the preceding year onward. Access arrangements granted on this basis will be given for all assessments, including SEC examinations for other subjects at the end of secondary school. Candidates who do not present an updated report by January of that year will not be eligible for access arrangements.
The MATSEC Board and the ACCESS-Disability Support Committee at the University of Malta have responded to the increasing number of candidates requesting access to the SEC/Matriculation Certification examinations to grant fair access to these candidates. In this page, one finds relevant information and application forms.