Faculty of Medicine & Surgery

Student Requests

Student Requests

Extension of studies

Extension of Studies Form - Undergraduate Students
Extension of Studies Form - Postgraduate Students

Suspension of studies

Suspension of Studies Form

Records application

Record documentation
Online application

Medical Report Form


Add/Drop Notice 

Add/Drop Notice

Add/Drop Form

Add/Drop Form

Read these guidelines carefully

  • Student requests should be presented to the Helpdesk of the Medical School at Mater Dei Hospital.
  • Requests made in view of health problems should be accompanied by a specialist medical certificate including the medical registration number of the specialist concerned.
  • Medical certificates issued by a family member of the student are NOT accepted. Only medical certificates written by medical practitioners who are certified and practising in Malta are accepted.
  • Medical certificates exempting students from attending clinical attachments and teaching sessions should be submitted immediately on return.  Late submissions will not be accepted and cannot be used to justify lack of attendance retrospectively.
  • Medical Reports for absence during the examination period should be submitted by not later than 24 hours. For examinations scheduled on a Saturday medical reports should be submitted on the following Monday.  This is the only exception when medical reports are submitted within 48 hours of the examination. 
  • For any queries relating to student requests contact Ms Joan Buttigieg at the Helpdesk of the Medical School or by email.
