Before joining the University of Malta's Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr Sammut had a career in the public sector as a Deputy Charge Nurse in the Mental Health services. He is registered both as a General nurse as well as a Mental Health Nurse. Dr Sammut has worked in a variety of mental health settings including Acute Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry and Learning Disabilities.
He read for his undergraduate degree with the University of Malta both in Nursing and in Mental Health. Dr Sammut read for his Doctorate of Philosophy, Ph.D., in Mental Health Nursing with the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston and St George's University of London, under the supervision of Professor Mary Chambers.
Dr. Sammut has presented in several Local and International conferences and also acts as a reviewer for the Malta Journal of Health Sciences. He is the coordinator of the BSc. Mental Health Nursing Part Time course and is also actively involved in research and several project including the national mental health awareness campaign #STOPSTIGMA. He is the President of the Maltese Association of Psychiatric Nurses (MAPN). Apart from his regular teaching load Dr. Sammut also supervises students in the clinical setting and assists students in mental health research.
NUR5118 - Advanced Therapeutic Interaction in Mental Health Care
Elected Council Member of Horatio - European Association of Psychiatric Nurses President of the Maltese Association of Psychiatric Nurses (MAPN) Member of the Specialist Accreditation Committee - Non Medical