SALIBA, D.G., CÉSPEDES-DONOSO, P.,F., BALINT, S., COMPEER, E.B., VALVO, S., KOROBCHEVSKAYA, K., MAYYA, V., PENG, Y., DONG, T. and TOGNOLI, M., 2019. Composition and structure of synaptic ectosomes exporting antigen receptor linked to functional CD40 ligand from helper T-cells. BioRxiv, , pp. 600551.
BALINT, S., SALIBA, D.G., CESPEDES, P.F., COMPEER, E.B., VALVO, S. and DUSTIN, M.L., 2018. T-cell synaptic ectosomes relay signals through microcluster transfer. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 7, pp. 252-252.
BYRNE, A.J., WEISS, M., MATHIE, S.A., WALKER, S.A., EAMES, H.L., SALIBA, D., LLOYD, C.M. and UDALOVA, I.A., 2017. A critical role for IRF5 in regulating allergic airway inflammation. Mucosal immunology, 10(3), pp. 716.
PAPA, I., SALIBA, D., PONZONI, M., BUSTAMANTE, S., CANETE, P.F., GONZALEZ-FIGUEROA, P., MCNAMARA, H.A., VALVO, S., GRIMBALDESTON, M. and SWEET, R.A., 2017. T FH-derived dopamine accelerates productive synapses in germinal centres. Nature, 547(7663), pp. 318.
SENEVIRATNE, A.N., EDSFELDT, A., COLE, J.E., KASSITERIDI, C., SWART, M., PARK, I., GREEN, P., KHOYRATTY, T., SALIBA, D. and GODDARD, M.E., 2017. Interferon regulatory factor 5 controls necrotic core formation in atherosclerotic lesions by impairing efferocytosis. Circulation, 136(12), pp. 1140-1154.
ALZAID, F., LAGADEC, F., ALBUQUERQUE, M., BALLAIRE, R., ORLIAGUET, L., HAINAULT, I., BLUGEON, C., LEMOINE, S., LEHUEN, A. and SALIBA, D.G., 2016. IRF5 governs liver macrophage activation that promotes hepatic fibrosis in mice and humans. JCI insight, 1(20),.
WEISS, M., BYRNE, A.J., BLAZEK, K., SALIBA, D.G., PEASE, J.E., PEROCHEAU, D., FELDMANN, M. and UDALOVA, I.A., 2015. IRF5 controls both acute and chronic inflammation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(35), pp. 11001-11006.
SALIBA, D.G., HEGER, A., EAMES, H.L., OIKONOMOPOULOS, S., TEIXEIRA, A., BLAZEK, K., ANDROULIDAKI, A., WONG, D., GOH, F.G. and WEISS, M., 2014. IRF5: RelA interaction targets inflammatory genes in macrophages. Cell reports, 8(5), pp. 1308-1317.
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RYZHAKOV, G., TEIXEIRA, A., SALIBA, D., BLAZEK, K., MUTA, T., RAGOUSSIS, J. and UDALOVA, I.A., 2013. Cross-species analysis reveals evolving and conserved features of the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(16), pp. 11546-11554.
EAMES, H.L., SALIBA, D.G., KRAUSGRUBER, T., LANFRANCOTTI, A., RYZHAKOV, G. and UDALOVA, I.A., 2012. KAP1/TRIM28: an inhibitor of IRF5 function in inflammatory macrophages. Immunobiology, 217(12), pp. 1315-1324.
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CUHLMANN, S., VAN, D.H., SALIBA, D., TREMOLEDA, J.L., KHALIL, M., ZAKKAR, M., CHAUDHURY, H., LUONG, L.A., MASON, J.C. and UDALOVA, I., 2011. Disturbed blood flow induces RelA expression via c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1: a novel mode of NF-κB regulation that promotes arterial inflammation. Circulation research, 108(8), pp. 950-959.
KRAUSGRUBER, T., SALIBA, D., EAMES, H., WILLIAMS, L., SMALLIE, T., BLAZEK, K. and UDALOVA, I., 2011. Novel role of IRF5 in transcriptional inhibition of human IL-10 gene expression: PS2-062. Cytokine, 56(1),.
KRAUSGRUBER, T., SALIBA, D., EAMES, H., WILLIAMS, L., SMALLIE, T., BLAZEK, K. and UDALOVA, I.A., 2011. Novel role of IRF5 in transcriptional inhibition of human IL-10 gene expression.
WONG, D., TEIXEIRA, A., OKONOMOPOULOS, S., HUMBURG, P., LONE, I.N., SALIBA, D., SIGGERS, T., BULYK, M., ANGELOV, D. and DIMITRIOV, S., 2011. Deep-sequencing assisted characterization of NF-B DNA-binding specifities advances the interpretation of genetic functional traits. Genome biology, 12(7), pp. R70.
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