Liberato Camilleri graduated from the University of Malta after reading for a first degree in Education and proceeded to read an M.Sc in Mathematics. He obtained a PhD degree in Applied Statistics in 2005 from Lancaster University. He joined the University of Malta as an assistant lecturer in 1998 with the Department of Statistics and Operations Research and was promoted to lecturer and later to senior lecturer.
His research specialization areas are related to statistical modeling, which include generalized linear models, latent class models, item response models, structural equation models, multilevel models and survival models. He has co-authored a number of peer-reviewed publications in journals and conference proceedings with foreign and local researchers in several fields of application including market segmentation, education, neural networks and atmospheric chemistry. He has co-authored three books describing national surveys related to SEBD and Maltese university students. He has contributed in analyzing data and writing national and international reports – PISA Malta report (2009 and 2015), TIMSS Malta report (2011, 2015), PIRLS (2011) Malta report Civic and citizenship education (2010) Malta report, European Survey on Language Competences (2011) Malta report, Short-Term Statistics for Industrial Production and Retail Trade Indices (2015), Prediction of expected TV and Radio Share (2015), Digital and Video Game Usage in Malta (2014), Consent Project (2013) Standardized spelling and reading tests for Maltese students (2011), Food consumption and eating patterns of Maltese adults (2010), Travelling patterns of university students (2009).
Research work in progress: The PIRLS (2016) Malta report The ICCS (2016) Malta report
Publications in Progress: Modeling survival times using Frailty models Modelling Mortality rates using GEE models
Affiliation and Membership: Associate Editor of the local journal Xjenza. Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Emotional Education.
Award Certificate of Presentation of Medal for Services rendered to the Pharmacy Profession. (Presented on the occasion of the 2016 Annual Pharmacy Symposium).
Best Paper Award: Camilleri L., Francalanza H. (2011). Latent Class Analysis for Segmenting Preferences of Investment Bonds. Proceedings of 2011 ABSRC Conference p.23-35.