Mr Paul M Gauci

Mr Paul M Gauci

Mr Paul M Gauci

  M.Ed.(Trng & Dvpt) Sheffield,B.A.(Hons) Bus.Mgt(Melit.),MCIPD (UK)
Paul Gauci is a Chartered training practitioner and lecturer in management education and development with over 25 years experience delivering training to various organisations at an international level. He has been the recipient of the ‘Training Leadership' Award at the World HRD Congress 2013 held in Mumbai.

Paul Gauci has been a speaker at conferences and training events in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia and has served as member of the European Savings Bank Group (ESBG) - Technical Assistance Providers Network (TAPN) and delivered training sessions on World Savings Bank Institute (WSBI) and Mediterranean Bank Network (MBN) seminars. He is an Approved Assessor of the Foundation for Human Resource Development (FHRD) – ‘People Awards' and also served on the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry - Business Education Committee.

Since 1994, he has lectured at the University of Malta where is now Visiting Senior Lecturer at FEMA in ‘Organisational Behaviour'; ‘Human Resource Management', ‘Managing Personal Development'; ‘Leadership and Organisational Learning'; 'Negotiation Skills'; 'Effective Business Communication' on the Executive MBA/B.Com/Diploma programmes. He also lectures various subjects on the Institute of Leadership and Management (UK) Diploma Programme.

Paul Gauci is well experienced delivering training or presentations in various sectors particularly the services industry, facilitating training courses in ‘customer relations & sales'; ‘leadership skills'; ‘team synergy' and ‘train the trainer'.

He studied at the University of Malta where he graduated B.A. (Hons) Business Management in 1986 and has, since then, specialised in human resources training & development, continuing his formal studies through a Masters degree, being awarded a distinction in the M.Ed (Training and Development) course from the University of Sheffield, England in 1992.
  • BEM2103 - Corporate Governance, Society and Ethics
  • CLS2101 - The Recruitment Process
  • MGT2307 - Leadership in Organisations
  • MGT2344 - Creativity and Personal Development
  • MGT3061 - Human Resource Issues for Small Enterprise
  • MGT5906 - Managing People and Organisations
  • TRS3271 - Human Resources and Work Relations in Tourism