The Students' Contribution to Faculty Research; an analysis of student’s dissertation
Strategicplan2021-2024 [PDF]
Strategicplan2018-2020 [PDF]
Mija - Mija : proposti għall-Ħabs, għall-qasam soċjali u għall-qasam tas-saħħa mentali
Protecting our Children, Exploring and Preventing Child Abuse (Funded by BoV)
Solitary Confinement in Malta: A Call for Reform
Star Kids - Reaching Out: Improving the Life Chances of Vulnerable Children
Examining the Social Impact of Social Housing
The Next Step in Housing Profiling
Parental Alienation
Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Persons with Autism and Persons with ADHD
Investigating the Barriers to Local Adoption in Malta
A Study about Various Themes in Malta
Solitary Confinement in Malta: A Call for Reform
Homelessness in Malta – Investigating causes, dimensions and dynamics
Community Wellbeing and Deinstitutionalisation
Inside Open Centres: Researching 'Vulnerability' to Trafficking Amongst Migrant Women and Minors Living in Malta
Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Understanding the Valletta Community
Persons with Autism and Persons with ADHD
Peer-led training about Disability Rights
Assessment and Intervention Team Review
Systematic Review of Postgraduate dissertations on Disability in Malta
Systematic Review of Legislation, Policies, Strategies & Guidelines Relating to Disability in Malta
The Impact of Covid-19 on Persons with Disability
Service Provision and Persons with Disability
Intersectionality and Persons with Disability
Mental Health Services for Persons with Disabilities in Gozo
Persons with Autism and Persons with ADHD - The need to understand and improves
An Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on Social Welfare Service and Associated Response Measures
The Impact of Covid-19 on Persons with Disability
Examining the Social Impact of Social Housing
The Next Step in Housing Profiling
Homelessness in Malta – Investigating causes, dimensions and dynamics
Intersectionality and Persons with Disability
Mental Health Services for Persons with Disabilities in Gozo
Mental Health in Malta and the ‘social’ response
Inside Open Centres: Researching 'Vulnerability' to Trafficking Amongst Migrant Women and Minors Living in Malta
Training on Migration Issues
Solitary Confinement in Malta: A Call for Reform
The Social and Psychological Consequences of Physical Searches on Minor Prison Visitors
The Social Welfare System in Malta: Identifying gaps in the provision of benefits and Services
Standard Operating Procedures: Design and Training for Social Care Service Providers
An Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on Social Welfare Service and Associated Response Measures