drUM is the UM’s data repository. It is an online platform that collects, archives, organises, and disseminates data generated by UM researchers.
For data to be deposited on drUM, the following criteria must be met:
Data must be in digital form. All electronic file formats are accepted.
Data must be processed (i.e. it must have undergone some level of transformation, analysis, or manipulation to make it usable and meaningful). Raw data is not acceptable. However, a link can be provided to raw data stored in a project or discipline-specific platforms.
The researcher must be willing and able to grant the UM Library the right to distribute and preserve the data via drUM.
Data must not contain any sensitive, restricted, or confidential information (i.e. personally identifiable information, protected health information, etc.)
Data must be associated with research conducted at the UM.
Data must be accurate, complete, authentic and reliable.
Data must be retrievable with appropriate metadata.
Some examples of data include:
questionnaires, transcripts, or codebooks
statistical or spatial data tables
audio or visual recordings
models, scripts, or algorithms
methodologies or workflows
Data on drUM can be deposited under any of the following access rights:
Open Access - data is made instantly available for anyone worldwide
Embargo Access - access to the data will be limited only to the depositor - however, metadata is immediately available for anyone worldwide. drUM offers various options for embargo; items can be placed in Permanent Embargo (indefinitely) or for a definite period. Once the embargo period elapses, the data will be made available in Open Access. Permanently embargoed items can be changed to Open Access at the request of the principal investigator, subject to licence compliance.
It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to select the appropriate level of access for the data. This might depend on several factors, including, but not limited to, the type of data, moral or ethical considerations, or grant requirements.
Access and use of the content made available on drUM is based on your acceptance of the Terms of Use:
Users must adhere to the terms specified in the licence under which the data is available in drUM. This applies to all forms of data reuse, including, but not limited to, sharing, distributing, modifying and commercial applications.
The Library cannot grant or deny permission where the use of data requires one.
Requests for restrictions on access should be addressed to the Library’s Open Science Department who in collaboration with the Principal Investigator will review requests on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to select the appropriate level of access.
The University’s Intellectual Property Policy stipulates that copyright of material produced by staff or students is owned by the author/s. Other IP generated at the University or with the use of University Resources, including patentable IP, shall be owned by theUniversity.
Data in drUM can only be deposited by the researcher via self-deposit. Only data that conforms to the following requirements is accepted for inclusion:
It has been generated by a UM academic member of staff. Graduate and post-graduate students can only deposit data provided that a request form signed by their supervisor is submitted to the Library.
It has been generated as part of a research activity conducted under the auspices of the UM.
It has not been deposited in another data repository (In such a case, only a metadata record is created in drUM which will include a link to the data in another data repository.)
If it is a result of inter-institutional collaboration, prior written permission must be sought by the depositing researcher from all interested parties.
It is highly recommended to use drUM Help or attend one of the training workshops organised by the Library’s Open Science Department, in collaboration with the Outreach Department.
By default, the researcher is allocated a storage quota of 1GB for their data. However, in the event that data files exceed this limit, researchers can request additional storage. The data must be accompanied by sufficient metadata describing its content, provenance, and formats.
If the researcher wishes to deposit data in a group that is currently not in drUM, the Principal Investigator needs to contact the Library’s Open Science Department and provide the following details:
Personal information, including name and email address
Name of the Faculty/Institute/Centre/School
Name of the Department (if applicable)
Metadata can be defined as “data about data”. It consists of structured, standardised information which describes and gives context to the digital asset.
Metadata illustrates purpose, provenance, geographic information, time references, the person creating the data, access conditions, and terms of use of data.
Metadata is a fundamental aspect of the Data FAIR Principles – thus making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable. Therefore, it is essential for purposes of preservation, identification, retrieval, and re-use of datasets.
Data deposited on drUM must be accompanied by sufficient metadata describing its content, provenance, and formats.
Copyright applies to all the metadata submitted for items on drUM.
The said metadata can be:
accessed free of charge
reused for private study and non-commercial purposes, provided that a link to the original metadata record is given
Please contact the Library’s Open Science Department if you would like to reuse the metadata commercially.
The UM Library is committed to ensuring sustainable management of data deposited on drUM and long-term access and preservation. Consequently, the UM Library will:
retain the data indefinitely
ensure continued readability and accessibility
back up the files according to current best practice
retain the original data files in case newer versions of data files are deposited
transfer the database to another appropriate archive in the event that drUM is closed down
take necessary actions in connection with any other factor(s) deemed necessary
UM is not responsible for theft, loss, or damage of the data deposited on drUM.
drUM is an online platform that collects and preserves data produced under the auspices of the UM. Once the data is deposited, it is assigned a permanent DOI. Withdrawal is possible only in specific cases.
The Open Science Department reserves the right to withdraw data from drUM if:
It has been falsified, fabricated, or otherwise manipulated in a manner that contravenes good research practices
It has been plagiarised or stolen
Insufficient steps have been taken to anonymise sensitive personal information contained within
It contains confidential information, information pertaining to criminal matters, or information that compromises national security
It does not conform to the existing legislation or to the content policy criteria
Any other circumstance deemed to pose insurmountable legal, moral, or ethical issues arises
The submitter fully indemnifies UM against any third-party claims with regard to copyright violation, breach of confidentiality, defamation, and any third-party right infringement.
Complaint procedure: If anyone wishes to submit a complaint with regards to the data available in drUM, such a complaint needs to be sent in writing to the Library’s Open Science Department. The complaint must contain the following information:
Contact details
URL and/or DOI of the item
An overview of the nature of the complaint
The Open Science Department in collaboration with the Library Management will:
Acknowledge the complaint
Review the complaint. If the complaint is justified, access to the data in question will be suspended pending verification. In such a case:
A full investigation and legal advice will be sought from the UM Legal Office.
The submitter will be informed of the complaint and given the opportunity to defend it.
Once the investigation and legal advice have been concluded, a full report will be issued to both parties, i.e. the complainant and the submitter.
If the complaint is proven justified, the data in question will be permanently withdrawn from drUM
Withdrawal of data by the submitter
Due to technical restrictions, the submitters are unable to withdraw their data themselves once deposited. However, the data may be removed following justified requests made by the submitters/owners. A record will still be kept of the data retaining links, and item histories together with:
A link to the replacement version of data where available