You may read the instructions below or watch a video-guide [YouTube]
1. How do I run a simple search?
You can search via HyDi by typing one or more keywords and clicking the Search button. You can use the drop-down menu on the right side of the search box to narrow down your search to print resources, electronic resources, items available in OAR@UM or EBSCO Databases.
2. How do I run an advanced search?
To perform the advanced search, select Advanced Search on the right side of the search panel.
The advanced search option allows you to perform more complex or specific searches by combining different fields such as title, author/creator, date or material type.
You can combine your keywords using the following options:
You may also make use of:
3. How do I use Boolean operators? (AND, OR, NOT)
Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) within search phrases must be entered in uppercase letters - otherwise, HyDi removes the Boolean operators and performs a simple search that includes all search phrases.
Note: If you search for words or phrases without specifying OR or NOT, HyDi assumes that you are searching for all the specified words or phrases.
4. How do I search using Wildcard Characters?
You can include the following wildcard characters in your searches:
Note: HyDi ignores wildcard characters placed at the beginning of the search terms as it treats the search terms ?aying and *aying as if you had searched for aying.
5. How do I search for a phrase?
To search for an exact phrase, you need to type quotation marks around the phrase. You can combine both words and phrases in your search.
Example: "climate change"
Note: If you do not enclose the phrase with quotation marks, HyDi will retrieve items that contain the individual words in the phrase regardless of whether these words are located next to each other in the order specified.
6. How do I group terms within a query?
Searches with multiple operators are processed in the following order, from left to right:
You can use parentheses to group terms within a query.
Example: to search for Shakespeare and either tragedy or sonnet, type the following in the search box: Shakespeare AND (tragedy OR sonnet)
When using more than one operator, it is strongly recommended to use parentheses to clarify precedence.
Example: if no parentheses are specified in the above query, HyDi will apply the precedence rules and instead group the words Shakespeare and tragedy as follows: (Shakespeare AND tragedy) OR sonnet.
7. How do I search by title/author/subject?
If you wish to narrow your search to a particular data field, you can do so by using the Advanced Search option.
8. How do I use browse?
The browse search allows you to browse Library books and journals titles in order to find information of relevance quickly. You can browse material by author, title, and subject.
In the results, you can click an underlined entry to see its associated records. It is also possible to browse by call number, which returns a list of associated records in brief format. Clicking a title displays its full record.
9. How do I save my searches?
Perform a simple or advanced search.
Click on Save query underneath the search box. You will see an option to turn on the notification for this query.
To view your saved searches, click on the pin icon at the top of your screen and select Saved Searches option.
You may set up an alert for each query by clicking on the bell icon next to the chosen query.
10. How do I save records found in HyDi?
The pin option allows you to save and organise items that you retrieve during your HyDi search session.
To save an item, click on the pin icon next to the title.
To view saved items, click on the pin icon at the top of your screen. All your items will be listed under Saved Records.
You may read the instructions below or watch a video-guide [YouTube]
1. How do I check the availability of a book?
2. How do I check at which Library the item is located?
Not all books, journals and dissertations are located at the Main Library. To check the location of a specific item click on its location. You will be able to view all locations where that particular item is available.
3. How do I display item’s full record?
If you wish to view more details about certain publication, click on the title. You will be able see item's full record.
4. How do I request a book that is currently on loan?
The Request option allows you to request an item which is on loan directly from HyDi. Only items which are currently on loan can be requested.
To request an item which is currently on loan, click on its Location.
Under Get It (left hand side), you will see the request option. Click on Request.
5. How do I access ebooks?
To find out how to access and download ebooks, consult our video-guide [YouTube] or written instructions [PDF].
1. How do I access electronic articles?
To access electronic articles, click on Full text available.
Full text available displays information pertaining to the database from where the article retrieved. If the article is available in multiple databases, click on an entry to display it on a new page.
2. How do I find journals?
To find a print and/or an electronic journal, type in the keyword or title of the journal into the search box.
On the right side of the screen you will see a list of limiters. Under Resource Type, click Show More and select Journals.
3. How do I find electronic journals?
To search for electronic journals that the Library subscribes to, click on E-Journal Search at the top of the page.
You can enter the title, keyword or ISSN in order to browse e-journals.
4. How do I access databases?
Click on Find Databases at the top of the page. You will be directed to a specific page where you can browse databases by subject or A-Z list.
1. How do I search for a dissertation?
Type in the title, author or keywords in the search box and click on the search icon. On the right side of the screen, you will see list of limiters. Under Resource Type click Show More. Select Dissertations.
2. How do I access electronic dissertations?
Dissertations are available in electronic format and can be easily accessed from HyDi.
To access electronic dissertations, click on Online access. You will be directed to the University’s Institutional Repository – OAR@UM where all dissertations are being uploaded.
1. How do I export items to RefWorks?
You can export bibliographic details of books, articles and dissertation to your RefWorks account directly from HyDi. Once you locate an item that you wish to export to RefWorks, click on the inverted commas/quotation mark icon.
You will see additional options including RefWorks. Click on the RefWorks icon to export the item to RefWorks.
1. How do I cancel my request?
Access My Library Card. You will see Requests option. To cancel your request, click Cancel next to the requested item.
2. How do I view my loans?
Access My Library Card. You will see Loans option.
3. How do I renew my books online?
After accessing your loans, you can renew your books individually or all at once. Click Renew All or renew items individually by clicking Renew next to selected item. For details instructions, watch our video-guide [YouTube]
4. How do I pay my fines?
Access My Library Card. You will see Fine + fees option. Click Pay fine and proceed with online payment. Once the payment is done, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of payment on your UM email address.