Self-service photocopying is operated through special charge cards.
Photocopying machines are located on all library levels and inside all special collections.
You can purchaseonlinea New Photocopy Card (€6) or a Re-charge Photocopy Card (€4.70) and collect it from the specified Library location.
For pick up you need to present your ID Card or any other identification. If you opt for a Re-charge Photocopy Card, it is also required that you bring over your used photocopy card for replacement with a re-charged one.
Self-service photocopying cards:
EUR 6.00 - New Photocopy Card (81 copies)
EUR 4.70 - Re-charge Photocopy Card (81 copies)
Users of this service may opt to pay at the MaltaPost branch on Campus during their opening hours. When paying, the following MaltaPost code number should be quoted, "No. 72 - Library Photocopy Card". On receipt of payment, users are requested to present the receipt and their ID Card to collect the photocopy card from the selected Library location.
According to the Copyright Act Chapter 415 of the Laws of Malta, copyright applies to all original literary, musical and artistic works including, among other, books, writings, musical works, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, motion picture films, computer software, databases and sound recordings. The law prohibits making copies of books or any of the other works mentioned above, by anyone, including libraries, unless authorised by the copyright owner.
What is allowed is the quotation from or reproduction of minor excerpts from a work in which a copyright exists forbona fidepurposes of private study, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary.
The Copyright Act does not specify the number of words or passages that can be used without the permission of the author. The University of Malta has drawn up the following guidelines:
Individual copying It is reasonable for one person to make, without permission, a single copy for study, private research, and criticism or review as follows: Serials:One article from one issue of a serial publication, providing that the article does not comprise the whole issue of the journal, in which case the limitations suggested for monographs would apply. Monographs:Up to 4,000 words (approx. 10 pages) from a book if in one sequence or up to 8,000 words (approx. 20 pages) if taken from various sections in a book, providing that the total amount does not exceed 10% of the whole work. Poems, essays, short literary works and chapters written by a contributing author are considered whole works in themselves and not as 'parts' of the book. In all other instances and particularly when multiple copies are required, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Copying for classroom use The library will accept a single copy of an item photocopied in accordance with these conditions and place it in the short loan collection. The Library will accept multiple copies of an item or copying in excess of these conditions for deposit in the short loan collection only if copyright clearance has been obtained.
Copyright clearance The responsibility for copyright clearance for making multiple copies of an item or for copying in excess of these conditions rest entirely with the requestor. Those needing assistance may contact the Librarian’s Office.
Expiration of copyright In the case of literary, musical or artistic works, copyright expires seventy years after the end of the year in which the author dies. In all other cases it is calculated as expiring seventy years after the end of the year in which the work was made accessible to the public.