Rev. Prof. Paul Sciberras graduated S.Th.B. in 1986 from the Faculty of Theology at Tal-Virtu', Rabat, Malta, and S.Th.L. (with specialisation in Pastoral Theology) in 1988 from the University of Malta, with a dissertation on "The New Consciousness of God through Suffering in Job". In 1992 he graduated S.S.L. from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, with a dissertation entitled "A Study of the Repeated Visions in Acts 10,1-11,18", and in 1994 declared Candidatus ad Doctoratum, after completing the preparatory year for the Doctorate in Scripture Sciences (S.S.D.). In 1995 he began lecturing at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta, Department of Sacred Scriptures, Hebrew and Greek, mainly in the NT areas (Synoptic Gospels, Pauline Letters and Acts of the Apostles, Language and Text of the NT, NT Exegesis at undergraduate and postgraduate levels). In 2011, Sciberras obtained his Doctorate in Sacred Theology summa cum laude with a thesis on "Mgr Prof. P.P. Saydon's version of 1 Thessalonians: An exegetical and translation-critical study". In 2012, he was appointed full-time lecturer, and from 2013 to 2021, he served as Head of the Department of Sacred Scripture, Hebrew and Greek. In November 2016, he was promoted to Senior Lecturer. He is Associate Professor since 2020, and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Theology since October 2021. Rev. Prof. Sciberras is co-editor of the Maltese Bible in Braille and biblical consultant for the Christmas Story in Maltese Sign Language. He is a member of the Commission for the Revision of the Bible in Maltese and of the Doctrinal Commission of the Maltese Episcopal Conference.
SHG5030 - The Synoptic Gospels: Exegetical Approaches
SHG5100 - Biblical Spirituality: Discovering God's Face in Human Experience
THL3151 - Synoptic Study-Unit Paper 2 - Sacred Scripture
Research work in progress: --Ongoing entries, Dizzjunarju Bibliku,
Publications in progress: --The Divine Physician: Exploring Jesus as Healer of the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions," Altarul Reintregirii (Orthodox University of Alba Iulia, Romania) --"The Sacredness of a Land in War and Peace: The Case of Exodus 3:5 and Joshua 5:15,” Rassegna di Teologia (2025) --“The Church Cannot but be Catholic: A Proposal from the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin in Luke 15,” Festschrift (2025). --“Theology of the Body in Psalm 133,” Festschrift (2025). --“Mons. Prof. Karm Sant: il-qassis, eseġeta u traduttur tal-Bibbja,” Melita Theologica 75/2 (2025). --"Shipwreck and Sovereignty: The Interplay of Divine and Roman Authority in Acts 27–28 from Paul’s Perspective" --“Stoking the Fire: Jesus’ Provocation of the Mosaic Law and His Revelation of its True Meaning,” Melita Theologica 76, no. 2 (2026).
Involvement in projects: --General Editor and revisor of Il-Bibbja (Il-Ħames Edizzjoni), mill-oriġinal Lhudi u Grieg (Għaqda Biblika Maltija, 2020; reprint by Fondazzjoni Biblika Maltija 2025). --Coordinated and contributed to the Emmaus Account (Luke 24:13-35) by the Department of Sacred Scripture of the Archdiocese Pastoral Programme: One Church, One Journey. A Process of Ecclesial Renewal 2020-2024.
Ongoing collaborations: --Member Interdiocesan Doctrinal Commission (2020- ) --Member Board for Continuous Formation of the Clergy (2019- ). --Academic mentor on behalf of the Archdiocese of Malta for 2 post-graduates specialising in Scripture Studies (2018- ). --Member Commission for the Revision of the Bible in Maltese (1999- ) --Lecturer Pastoral Formation Institute --Peer-reviewer Estudios Bíblicos (Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid) (2000- ) --Member Academic Commission Malta Bible Foundation (2024- )
Affiliations and memberships --Society of Biblical Literature --Associazione Biblica Italiana --Associazione Ex-Alunni Pontificio Istituto Biblico (Rome) --European Association of Catholic Theologians --European Association of Biblical Studies --Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain --Biblical Archaeological Society