Department of Social Policy & Social Work

Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali

Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali

Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali (SĦS) the official student organisation representing both Social Work and Social Policy students.

Its primary objective is to ensure the rights of its members by providing a voice to the students and serves as a bridge between Social Work and Social Policy students, the Staff , the Faculty for Social Wellbeing and the outer social world.

Moreover SĦS is interested towards the enhancement of both the Social Work and Social Policy professions and the empowerment of individuals in our society.

SĦS aims to organise activities all year round while encouraging students to be actively involved in the students’ life and in campaigns related to Social Work and Social Policy, in order to instil and evolve the ideal character equipped with extra curricular skills which will form a better team in the social field.

Tonio Galea - President

Nicole Vella - Vice President

Ilona Caruana - Secretary General

Maria Spiteri - Financial Officer

Nicole Schembri - Social Policy Officer 

Claudia Grama - Public Relations Officer

Mario Zammit - Student Representative