The Faculty of Arts Platform for Creative Narratives
- A Platform for Creative Narratives is being set up within the Faculty of Arts, to evolve from and replace the Creative Writing Platform.
- The aims of the Platform are the following:
- to promote excellence in Creative Narrative endeavours across its different expressions
- to hold regular meetings, symposia and conferences in which to present ideas, discuss work in progress, listen to guest speakers and promote the sharing of outlooks in areas relating to Creative Narratives
- to act as a creative hub bringing together writers, artists, film makers etc of known ability and potential, from the University or outside of it, to talk about their writing, to derive support and encouragement from each other, and to promote Creative Narratives more generally
- to provide services to aspiring and established writers, artists, and others including connections to both local and international writing communities
- to host periodically, ‘in Residence’, accomplished professional writers and artists on a temporary residential post who would conduct seminars and workshops, give talks, share insights and generally act as mentors and be available for consultation and advice
- to collaborate with kindred platforms and with individuals, both local and foreign, working in the area.
- The Platform shall have the following structure:
(a) a Chair, who is the Dean of the Faculty of Arts or his nominee, and a Board appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Arts
(b) the Board shall consist of members who are familiar with developments and practices in Creative Narratives across its different disciplines and expressions
(c) the Board shall be responsible for the implementation of the aims outlined in paragraph 2
(d) the appointment of the members of the Board shall be for two years, which can be renewed.
- The Platform will operate as a cost centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.
Approved by Senate on 30 March 2023
Members on the Board of the Platform for Creative Narratives
Faculty of Arts
Professor Dominic Fenech
Dr Gilbert Calleja
Professor Ivan Callus
Professor Gloria Lauri-Lucente
Dr Immanuel Mifsud
Professor Clare Vassallo