Students may benefit form Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies or Traineeships to undertake mobilities at another European Institution for a semester or full year. The UM has several agreements with many Universities throughout Europe.
Whilst it can be challenging to live away from home and to study at another country, Erasmus+ offers a unique opportunity to travel, meet new friends and study subjects not offered at your home University. Please contact the Erasmus Coordinator at your University to confirm whether there is an active Inter-Institutional Agreement with the UM.
The academic calendar of the UM runs on 3 semesters. Approximate duration of semesters are:
Taught courses are generally delivered during semester 1 and 2, while semester 3 is mainly used for postgraduate research courses and placements.
The examination session takes place at the end of the semesters 1 and 2. Students are required to be in Malta to fulfil course requirements including examinations and submitting assignments. Special arrangements for early departures cannot be considered.
The language of tuition at the UM is English and therefore students are expected to have adequate levels of English Proficiency to be able to follow lectures and draw up assignments in English. The students are required to have a B2 level as per Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). Students following courses delivered by the Department of English will be required to have a C1 level.
The English level should be indicated in the 'Language Competence of the student' section in the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement.
Students need to submit a copy of the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) Test, along with the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement.
Students studying a specific language need to have the necessary competence in the concerned language. The level of proficiency is to be assessed by the head of department of the respective language department.
ELP1061 - English Proficiency for International Students
The study-unit aims to improve the level of proficiency in English of foreign students whose general command of the language would place them at ‘Upper Intermediate Level’. This study-unit is offered both in Semester 1 and 2 by the Centre for Academic Literacies and English Communication Skills. Before being registered, students intending to take this study-unit are to sit for a screening test to determine eligibility. Once the results of the test are sent via email, students eligible for the unit will be asked to confirm their registration and they will be automatically registered by the Centre. For further information please contact
Study-units in Academic English provided by the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology
LIN1063-A (Visiting) Academic Reading and Writing in English and LIN1065-A (Visiting) Academic Speaking in English
The Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology provides two study-units for visiting students who wish to take courses in academic English: LIN1063-A (Visiting) Academic Reading and Writing in English and LIN1065-A (Visiting) Academic Speaking in English. Kindly refer to the study-unit descriptions available on eSIMS for further details. No payment is required to take the courses. You will need to register through the International Office in the same way that you do for all your other study-units.
Visiting students for whom English is not a first language should be aware that the above courses assume a proficiency in English that enables them to handle academic texts and their discussion in English. This would roughly be in the range of 6 IELTS (TOEFL equivalent). Students who feel their proficiency might not yet have reached a sufficiently high level are advised not to take the course since they may not be able to follow it with profit.
Queries regarding the content of the courses should be addressed to the co-ordinator of the Academic English Programme, Dr Natalie Schembri. Queries regarding time-tabling or administration should be addressed to Ms Victoria Sciberras Herrera.
The Academic English time-table (including the scheduling details for the above study-units) is available on the Academic English Programme website.
Malta University Language School is a residential school owned and validated by the University of Malta. Together with its team of professional teachers, the Language School offers a number of courses in English suited for visiting students.
Information for students
If you are interested in undertaking Erasmus+ mobility at the UM, you must contact the International Office at your home University. Agreements are in place between UM and various universities across Europe through the Erasmus programme, for students to benefit from mobility periods. Only nominations received through the offices responsible for this, at the partner universities, will be accepted.
Information for International Offices
General nomination deadlines:
Nomination deadlines for specific courses:
In order to complete nominations and nominate students for Erasmus+ mobility to UM, the International Office of the partner University should send the following student details:
Nominations are to be sent directly to the official UM Erasmus email. Students interested in traineeship mobility do not need to be nominated by their home university.
Once you have been nominated by your University to benefit from this opportunity at UM and the final confirmation for the Erasmus+ student mobility is issued, you need to complete the application process.
Student application deadlines
Submit the application document to UM by email by:
To complete the application process, provide the following documents:
1. Online Enrolment Form
Following nominations, students will be invited to fill in the online enrolment form. The link will be sent by email by the International Office.
2. Health Form
All students must download and fill in the General Health Form [PDF] .
In addition to the above General Health Form:
- Students studying at the Department of Pharmacy must follow the instructions and download the Occupational Health Protocol Form - Pharmacy [PDF].
Our office does not need the OHP form but its approval. As indicated in the form, students need to send it to Afterwards, they need to forward the confirmation email they receive from the Maltese doctor to the International Office.
- Students studying at the Faculty of Health Sciences must follow the specialised health screening protocol, which is outlined in the following Occupational Health Protocol Form - Health Sciences [PDF].
Our office does not need the OHP form but its approval. As indicated in the form, students need to send it to Afterwards, they need to forward the confirmation email they receive from the Maltese doctor to the International Office.
3. Copy of health card insurance (EHIC/GHIC)
Students must be in possession of a valid Health Insurance Card, which will provide basic coverage for the first 90 days. Health insurance is not organised by UM, therefore arrangements must be made by the students to ensure full health insurance coverage during their mobility.
4. Copy of the travel insurance
Students must have a travel insurance policy that is valid for their stay in Malta, covering the entire duration of the mobility. Travel insurance must cover 'emergency medical intervention and repatriation'.
For traineeships, students are required to obtain an extension to the policy to include 'workplace accident insurance cover'. The travel insurance should also include public liability to cover for any damages caused by the student during their stay abroad.
The travel and health insurance should be submitted in English.
5. Online Linguistic Support (OLS) certificate
Students are required to complete the OLS and provide a copy of the certificate provided at the end of the test. The language of tuition at the UM is English and therefore students are expected to have adequate levels of English Proficiency to be able to follow lectures and draw up assignments in English. Students are required to have a B2 level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
Students following courses delivered by the Department of English will require a C1 level.
Students are to obtain the login information for the OLS test from their home coordinators. Students who are native English speakers are not required to submit the OLS certificate.
6. Erasmus+ Learning Agreement
Prior to arrival at UM, students must compile an Erasmus+ Learning Agreement in order to provisionally select credits (courses) which they will be following during the Erasmus+ mobility in Malta.
The Learning Agreement is to be signed by the student, by the Erasmus coordinator at the sending institution and by the Erasmus academic coordinator at UM.
Go to the course list for visiting students.
7. Police Certificate of Conduct
Students registered with the Faculty of Health Science and Faculty of Education are requested to present this certificate issued by their local authorities. This request is in line with Regulation 87 (2) of the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019, and Regulation 17 (3) of the Admissions Regulations, 2016. The certificate should be recent (issued within the last one month), and submitted with the enrolment documents. Students are required to submit an updated Police Certificate of Conduct if there are any changes during their Erasmus+ mobility in Malta.
8. Visa and e-Residence Permit
Non-EU and UK students are to follow the Visa requirements for their entry in Malta and e-Residence Permit instructions. EU students on a full year mobility, are also highly advised to apply for their e-residence permit.
Students need to send all the above mentioned documents through the online form. The link will be sent by email from our end.
Once all the necessary documents are received, an Erasmus+ acceptance letter will be issued. Acceptance letters will only be issued once all the necessary documents outlined above are submitted to the International Office. In the case of special course requirements, students must submit additional documents for the process to be completed
Accommodation at Campus Hub can be booked instantly via the booking engine on the following link.
In Malta, public transport is safe and affordable to use. Buses operate between 05:30 and 23:00 on most routes and night service is also available on Friday, Saturday nights as well as public holidays and feast days.
During your stay in Malta, you can benefit from advantageous public transport fees when applying for a student tallinja card, with student tariffs starting from EUR 0.75. Please refer to Public Transport website for more information.
For more information visit this link.
At the start of every academic semester the International Office organises an orientation session for the Erasmus+ students.
Orientation sessions 2024/25:
Important documents to familiarise yourself with during your Erasmus mobility:
Add and Drop Period:
With regards to any other information about your Erasmus exchange and processes, please refer to the Student Guidelines that can be downloaded above.