Small States & Territories Journal

SST 4(1), May 2021

SST 4(1), May 2021

Small States & Territories
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2021

Pages 1-2: Table of Contents

Special section: Small States and the ‘Corona crisis’
Curated by Külli Sarapuu, Anna-Lena Högenauer, Nicos Trimikliniotis 

Pages 3-12: Guest Editorial – Small states and the governance of the COVID-19 pandemic – Anna-Lena Högenauer; Külli Sarapuu & Nicos Trimikliniotis.

Pages 13-28: Communication, politics and COVID-19 in Iceland: The small state dimensionJón Gunnar Ólafsson.

Pages 29-44: Nordic solidarity and responses to COVID-19 – Pia Hansson & Auður Birna Stefánsdóttir

Page 45-60: Small states in international health crises: Iceland’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic – Luke Burgess Wood

Pages 61-74: National isolation or regional cooperation? The media debate on border closures during the Covid-19 crisis in Luxembourg – Anna-Lena Högenauer

Pages 75-104: Tourism and COVID-19 in 2020: The case of Malta as a small state – Hillary V. Briffa & Gordon A. Agius

Pages 105-124: Island tourism and COVID-19 in Vanuatu and Samoa: An unfolding crisis – John Connell and Tautalaaso Taulealo

Pages 125-136: Rising from the ashes of the pandemic: The case of the Dutch Caribbean – Guido Rojer, Jr.


Other papers:

Pages 137-156: The strangest election in the world: The October 2020 general election in Guernsey – John Reardon and Christopher Pich.  

Pages 157-170: Australia’s oddest jurisdiction: The continuous anomaly of Jervis Bay Territory – Philip R. Hayward


Book reviews (Pages 171-194)

Pages 171-172: Michelle Scobie (2019). Global environmental governance and small states: Architectures and agency in the Caribbean. Review by Rajendra Ramlogan

Pages 173-174: Colin Clarke (2018). Mexico and the Caribbean under Castro’s eyes: A journal of decolonization, state formation and democratization. Review by Indira Rampersad.

Pages 175-176: Juan Jiménez-Salcedo, Christine Hélot & Antoinette Camilleri-Grima (Eds.) (2020). Small is multilingual: Language and identity in micro-territories. Review by Francesco Palermo

Pages 177-178: Sebastian Wolf (2020). Eine governance: Theorie des kleinstaats. [A theory of governance of the small state.] Review by Wouter Veenendaal.

Pages 179-180: Archie W. Simpson (2021). A theory of dysfunctionality: The European microstates as dysfunctional states in the international system. Review by Godfrey Baldacchino.

Pages 181-182: Peter Clegg, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney & Hazel A. Oxenford (2021). The Caribbean Blue Economy. Review by Juan Carlos Seijo.

Pages 183-184: Graeme Smith & Terence Wesley-Smith (Eds.) (2021). The China alternative: Changing regional order in the Pacific islands. Review by Stewart Firth.

Pages 185-186: James E. Randall (2021). An introduction to island studies. Review by Christian Bouchard.

Pages 187-188: Carmela Lutmar & James Ockey (Eds). (2019). Peacebuilding in the Asia-Pacific. Review by David Oakeshott.

Pages 189-190: Khalid S. Almezaini & Jean-Marc Rickli (Eds.) (2017). The small Gulf states: Foreign and security policies before and after the Arab Spring. Review by Tyler B. Parker.

Pages 191-192: John Gerring & Wouter Veenendaal (2020). Population and politics: The impact of scale. Review by Marlene Jugl

Pages 193-194: Mimi Sheller (2020). Island futures: Caribbean survival in the Anthropocene. Review by Shiva S. Mohan

Pages 195-196: Tomas Janeliūnas (2021). Foreign policy analysis of a Baltic state: Lithuania and ‘Grybauskaitė Doctrine’. Review by Mari-Liis Sulg


© 2021 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta.
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Cynthia Genovese, William Grech, Dominik Kalweit, Stefano Moncada

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members.        


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