Small States & Territories Journal

SST 6(1), May 2023

SST 6(1), May 2023

Small States & Territories [ISSN: 2616-8006]

Vol. 6, No. 1, May 2023

Pages 1-2: Table of Contents

Pages 3-14: Doing politics within the confines of restrictive norms: The case of Saint Lucia - Abrak Saati

Pages 15-34: Small European states in the hybrid warfare era: The cases of Cyprus, Malta, and Estonia - Constantinos Adamides and Petros Petrikkos

Pages 35-48: Micronational claims and sovereignty in the Minquiers and Écréhous - Vicente Bicudo de Castro, Christian Fleury and Henry Johnson

Pages 49-68: Sri Lanka navigating major power rivalry: How domestic drivers collide with the international system - Nilanthi Samaranayake

Pages 69-82: Blue Economy: The perspectives of Small Island Developing States - Angelique Pouponneau

Book Reviews (Pages 83-96)

Pages 83-84: Matt Qvortrup (2022). I want to break free: A practical guide to making a new country – REVIEW by Kerryn Baker

Pages 85-86: Julia R. Kotzebue (Ed.) (2022). Towards sustainable transport and mobility: Perspectives on travelling and commuting in small island states. REVIEW by Dave N. P. Mootien

Pages 87-88: Lech J. Janczewski and William Caelli (Eds). (2020). Cyber conflicts and small states. REVIEW by Jamie Croucher

Pages 89-90: Philippe Sands (2022). The last colony: A tale of exile, justice and Britain’s colonial legacy. REVIEW by Milan Meetarbhan

Pages 91-93: Patsy Lewis, Gary Williams and Peter Clegg (Eds.). (2015). Grenada: Revolution and invasion. REVIEW by Hamid Ghany

Pages 94-96: Marlene Jugl (2022). Country size and public administration. REVIEW by Külli Sarapuu


© 2023 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta.
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Angela Xuereb, Stefano Moncada, William Grech, Kaja Lochman, Dominik Kalweit, Raelene Vella, Steve Micallef

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members.


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