Small States & Territories
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2018
Pages 147-148: Table of Contents
Journal articles
Pages 149-168: The United Kingdom and its Overseas Territories: No longer a 'benevolent patron'? – Peter Clegg
Pages 169-182: Why ‘jurisdiction’? Determining boundaries in offshore finance. – William Vlcek
Pages 183-196: Law, small state theory and the case of Liechtenstein. –Sebastian Wolf, Peter Bussjäger, Patricia M. Schiess Rütimann
Book review section
Pages 197-218
- McIntyre A. (2016). The Caribbean in the wider world: Commentaries on my life and career. Kingston Jamaica: UWI Press. Review by Jessica Byron.
- Thorhallsson, B. (Ed.). (2018). Small states and shelter theory: Iceland’s external affairs. London: Routledge. Review by Godfrey Baldacchino.
- de Carvalho. B., and Neumann, I. B. (Eds.) (2015) Small state status seeking: Norway’s quest for international standing. London: Routledge. Review by Pål Røren.
- Twomey, M. (2017). Legal métissage in a micro-jurisdiction: The mixing of common law and civil law in Seychelles. Wellington, New Zealand: Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific. Review by Marco Rizzi.
- Ugyel, Lhawang (2016). Paradigms and public sector reform: Public administration of Bhutan. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Review by Ann Marie Bissessar.
- Ferrandi, Jean-François (2017). Corse et Sardaigne: îles autonomes? Un regard croisé. [Corsica and Sardinia, autonomous islands? A comparative look] Paris: L’Harmattan. Review by Houchang Chehabi.
- Forsyth, M., & Farran, S. (2015). Weaving intellectual property policy in small island developing states. Cambridge: Intersentia. Review by Anton Bartolo.
- Bernal, R. L. (2015). The influence of small states on superpowers: Jamaica and US foreign policy. New York: Lexington Books. Review by Paget Henry.
- Corbett, J., & Veenendaal, W. (2018) Democracy in small states: Persisting against all odds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reviews by: Baldur Thorhallsson, Edalina Rodrigues Sanches and Godfrey Baldacchino.
© 2018 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta. Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino Editorial Support: Cynthia Genovese
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