Pages 97-98: Table of Contents
The epoch of Queen Elizabeth II: Continuity and rupture in small states and territories
Pages 99-104: Guest Editorial Introduction: The epoch of Queen Elizabeth II: Continuity and rupture in small states and territories. Sarah Gray and Peter Clegg
Pages 105-120: Crown Dependencies in an era of continuity and change. Gary N. Wilson and Will Hanlon
Pages 121-134: The constitutional status of Sark. Caroline Morris
Pages 135-150: Roles and responsibilities of Governors in the UK Overseas Territories: Prerogative power and democratic accountability. Derek O’Brien and Peter Clegg
Pages 151-168: The Queen in the Cayman Islands: Symbolic power and colonial continuities. Grace Carrington
Pages 169-184: A changing political landscape: The 2022 General Election in Jersey. Christopher Pich and John Reardon
Pages 185-202: Islandness and dependence in Greenland’s climate paradiplomacy: 2009-2021. Elin Westerling and Carola Klöck
Marc Williams & Duncan McDuie-Ra (2018). Combating climate change in the Pacific: The role of regional organizations. Book Review by Clara Bartram Gurresø
Godfrey Baldacchino (Ed). (2023). The success of small states in international relations: Mice that roar? Book Review by Matthew C. Zierler
Jonathan Pugh & David Chandler (2023). The world as abyss: The Caribbean and critical thought in the Anthropocene. Book Review by Genève Phillip-Durham
Bernard F. W. Loo (2022). Strategy and defense policy for small states. Book Review by Bibek Chand
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