Pages 139-140: Table of Contents
Pages 141-156: The road to sovereignty for New Caledonia? – Carine David
Pages 157-170: Self-determination referendum, mining and 'interdependence': Reading the current political conjuncture in New Caledonia – Marta Gentilucci
Pages 171-182: Possible future states of Europe: Gateway or getaway states – Petar Kurecic, Binoy Kampmark
Pages 183-194: Oecusse and the Sultanate of Occussi-Ambeno: Pranksterism, misrepresentation and micronationality – Philip Hayward
Jules, T. D. & Ressler, P. (Eds.) (2017). Re-reading education policy and practice in small states: Issues of size and scale in the emerging intelligent society and economy. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang. Review by Peter Mayo
Chauvin, S., Clegg, P. & Cousin, B. (Eds.) (2018). Euro-Caribbean societies in the 21st Century: Offshore finance, local elites and contentious politics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. Review by John Connell
Ó Beacháin, D. (2019). From partition to Brexit: The Irish government and Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Review by Ian Kenneally
Guo Y. & Jie, Wu Jin (Eds.) (2016). Singapore and Switzerland: Secrets to small state success. Singapore: World Scientific. Review by Zbigniew Dumieński
Maass, M. (2017). Small states in world politics: The story of small state survival, 1648-2016. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Review by Anders Wivel
Anna-Karina Hermkens and Katherine Lepani (Eds.) (2017). Sinuous objects: Revaluing women’s wealth in the contemporary Pacific. Canberra, Australia: ANU Press. Review by Sierra Schuetz and Marina Karides
Giorgos Charalambous and Christophoros Christophorou (Eds.) (2016). Party–society relations in the Republic of Cyprus: Political and societal strategies. London: Routledge. Review by Roderick Pace
© 2019 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta. Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino Editorial support: Cynthia Genovese
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