Small States & Territories Journal

SST 2(1), May 2019

SST 2(1), May 2019

Small States & Territories
Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2019

Pages 1-2: Table of Contents

Journal articles

Special Section: The Competitiveness of Small States Pages 3-8: Guest Editorial IntroductionSerge Allegrezza, Lino Briguglio and Enrico Spolaore
Pages 9-22: The competitiveness of small European countries: a focus on MontenegroMilorad Katnic and Bojana Boskovic
Pages 23-40: Size, competitiveness and FDIs: Small or transition country curse?Igor Velickovski and Marjan Petreski
Pages 41-54: The competitiveness of small states: Insights on flexible specialisationGodfrey Baldacchino
Pages 55-68: The small states of the European Union and the resilience / competitiveness nexusLino Briguglio and Melchior Vella
Pages 69-82: Small state diplomacy and global competitivenessWinston Dookeran and Preeya S. Mohan

Other articles

Pages 83-104: A small island territory moving down the ‘development ladder’? A case study of Jersey - Michael J. Oliver
Pages 105-124: Norm rejection: Why small states fail to secure special treatment in global trade politicsCourtney Lindsay

Book reviews section
(Pages 125-137)

© 2019 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta. Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino Editorial Support: Cynthia Genovese

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands and Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any of its Board members.


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