Small States & Territories Journal

SST 5(1), May 2022

SST 5(1), May 2022

Small States & Territories
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2022

Pages 1-2: Table of Contents

Special section - After Brexit: The UK’s Overseas Territories and Britain’s Crown Dependencies

Pages 3-12: Editorial Introduction: Overseas Territories & Crown Dependencies: What future in ‘Global Britain’? - Matthew Benwell, Peter Clegg, Nichola Harmer and Alasdair Pinkerton

Pages 13-30: The impact of Brexit on the identity of the Small British-European NationsRoland Brandtjen 

Pages 31-54: UK state identity-making and British overseas territories’ environments in times of ecological crisis and geopolitical change - Nichola Harmer, Ian Bailey and Naomi Hart 

Pages 55-70: Questioning the current status of the British Crown Dependencies - Maria Mut Bosque 

Pages 71-86: Fighting one island to claim another: Mauritius’ journey to international justice - Sarah Gray 

Pages 87-102: The Falkland Islands, international sporting competition, and evolving (post-Brexit) paradiplomacy - Matthew L McDowell

Pages 103-120: Mediating sovereignty for the environment in the British Overseas Territories - Jasper Montana 


Other Papers

Pages 121-140: Challenging the quest for modernity? Covid-19, sorcery, religion and vaccines in Papua New Guinea - John Connell

Pages 141-158: Democracy, façade or somewhere in between? An initial exploration of Vanuatu, Kiribati and São Tomé and Príncipe - Abrak Saati and Torbjörn Bergman

Pages 159-178: A new classification of small island economies based on geography, demography and sovereignty - Michaël Goujon and Justinien Razafindravaosolonirina

Pages 179-194: Reflections on the status of the Free Territory of Trieste - Marina Coloni and Peter Clegg

Pages 195-200: Studying the politics of small states: A Response to Baker, Dookeran and Jugl - Anders Wivel and Godfrey Baldacchino

Pages 201-214 Cultural continuities and cultural policies in small states - Valerie Visanich

Pages 215-224: Small town secession: Representations of micro-statehood in the US TV series Republic of Sarah (2021) - Philip Hayward 


Book Reviews

Pages 225-226: Robert E. Looney (2021). Handbook of Caribbean economies. Review by Daren A. Conrad 

Pages 227-228: Keith Camacho (2019). Sacred men: Law torture, and retribution in Guam. Review by Michael R. Clement Jr.

Pages 229-230: Harry Hobbs and George Williams (2022). Micronations and the search for sovereignty. Review by Jack Corbett 

Pages 231-232: Beate Ratter (2018). Geography of small islands: Outposts of globalisation. Review by Andrew Halliday

Pages 233-234: Máté Szalai (2022). The foreign policy of smaller Gulf states: Size, power, and regime stability in the Middle East. Review by Tyler B. Parker

Pages 235-236: Geoffrey Hobbis (2020). The digitizing family: An ethnography of Melanesian smartphones. Review by Amanda Watson      

Pages 237-238: Laura J. Getty (2021). Islands and captivity in popular culture: A critical study of film, television and literature. Review by Laurie Brinklow 

Pages 239-240: Jack Corbett, Xu Yi-Chong & Patrick Weller (2021). International organizations and small states: Participation, legitimacy and vulnerability. Review by Godfrey Baldacchino

© 2022 – Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta.
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Angela Xuereb, William Grech, Dominik Kalweit, Stefano Moncada, Kaja Lochman, Raelene Vella

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members. 


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