Pages 1-2: Table of Contents
Security Challenges of Small States
Pages 3-6: Editorial – Security challenges of small states – Michał Pawiński, Randy Seepersad and Annita Montoute
Pages 7-24: Bound to lose? Smallness in the strategic narratives of smaller states during armed conflict – Máté Szalai
Pages 25-40: Prosecuting human trafficking cases in Trinidad and Tobago: Challenges and solutions in a small island state – Alana L. Wheeler
Pages 41-58: Smallness and security: Territorial exclusion and opportunistic inclusion – Mary Grace Vella and Yana Mintoff
Pages 59-74: Educational leadership: Reducing offending amongst incarcerated juveniles in Antigua and Barbuda – Lystra Hagley-Dickinson, Marcel Archer-Thomas and Randy Seepersad
Pages 75-94: Islands unchained: The case of regulating virtual financial assets in Malta – Ben Biedermann and Stefano Moncada
Pages 95-106: From prisons to prism: Small States & Territories Journal and the study of small states and territories – Anders Wivel
Pages 107-122: Donald Trump’s aspiration to acquire Greenland: Understanding ‘issue-attention’ cycles in news coverage and their relevance to small states and territories – Philip Hayward and Juno Berthelsen
Pages 123-138: Gibraltar: Challenges in the new post-Brexit scenarios – Jesús Verdú Baeza
Pages 139-156: The role of the monarchy in the Liechtenstein Constitution – Alastair Paynter and Craig Prescott
Pages 157-172: Peculiar constitutions? A Classical Theory perspective to the mixed constitutions of the four European microstates – Paul Nieuwenburg and Wouter Veenendaal
Pages 173-174: Ieva Grumbinaitė (2024). The rotating European Union Council Presidency and small member states. Review by Mark Harwood
Pages 175-176: Thomas Kolnberger and Harlan Koff (Eds.) (2023). Agency, security and governance of small states: A global perspective. Review by Anna-Lena Hogenhauer
Pages 177-178: Dermot Hodson (2023). Circle of stars: A history of the EU and the people who made it. Review by Roderick Pace
Pages 179-180: Armen Sarkissian (2023). The small states club: How small smart states can save the world. Review by Alfred Sant
Pages 181-182: Antoine Grima (2023). Sea level change and maritime boundaries. Review by Godfrey Baldacchino
Pages 183-184: Anne-Marie Brady and Baldur Thorhallsson (Eds.). (2021). Small states and the new security environment. Review by Revecca Pedi
Pages 185-186: Oral Robinson (2020). Migration, social identity and regionalism within the Caribbean community: Voices of Caribbean people. Review by Natalie Dietrich Jones
Pages 187-188: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2022). Handbook on Parliamentary financial oversight: Adapting PAC best practices to legislatures in small jurisdictions. Review by Hamid Ghany
Pages 189-190: Jane Davidson (2020). #futuregen: Lessons from a small country. Review by Rory Cartmell
© 2024: Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta
Journal Website:
ISSN: 2616-8006
Executive Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
Editorial Support: Angela M. Xuereb, Stefano Moncada, William Grech, Kaja Lochman Dominik Kalweit, Steve Micallef, Raelene Vella
Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Islands & Small States Institute at the University of Malta, the University of Malta, Small States & Territories, its Editor, its Editorial Board, or any Board members.
Small States & Territories is endorsed by the
Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories (NUSCT)
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